20th [FIGURES] I recieved 4 letters & wrot
10th Almost all the public Journals have
sumthing to say upon the persecution of
the Saints
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the whole United States have filled up there cup of Iniquity And well may the Saints go out of her midst As did Lot out of Sodom for her Judgment and destruction is equally sure The Saints having built the Temple of the Lord & the City of Joseph Are now about to be drove out of it By the American Nation this is a strange Age we live in the Bible & Book of Mormon Doctrins & Covenants are fast fulfilling upon the heads of this generation thus has American liberty with her proud eagle found a sepulchre there to remain untill resurrected by some power who will be promped by virtue to Administ[er] those laws in equity & Justice that the present Administrators have not moral courage enough to maintain against the power of Mobocracy [3]
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