Day in the Life

May 5, 1847

Journal Entry

May 05, 1847 ~ Wednesday

5th I was quite sick with the diaree the change from
salt to fresh meat is affecting a number in camp
The 400 Indian warriors that was supposed to be seen
on the 3rd proved to be fals the man was frightend
at a herd of Antelope & supposed them to be Indians
we had to keep a guard out this morning to keep
a herd of buffalo from mixing up with our cattle
we have had vary strong south wind for 2 days,
two Buffalo Bulls at noon were approaching the
Herd of cows & men went out & drove them off
we rode up within 3 rods of one that was asleep &
stoped & looked at him for some minutes He awoke &
shook himself & loaped off we met a large Herd
in the afternoon the Brethren killed one cow
5 calves & brought A Bull calf into camp alive
with the intention of raising it, it would drink
water out of a pail they had some sport in triying
to make it suckle a cow it would try hard to bunt
the men & dogs over & some got hard raps I have
been obliged to keep my bed a part of the day have
suffered much with Bowel complaint, when we
stoped for night we soon found ourselves in
the midst of grass on fire & had to return back

one mile & camped on a spot of ground on the Bank
of the river that was just Burned over & no feed
except small patches some took there Horses on an
Island near & cut down cotton wood for them
we travled to day 15 miles


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May 5, 1847