6th I was some better this morning we had some rain last
night I had a poor nights rest. we started early this
morning without feeding (except a little corn) as there was
no grass & travled 3 miles & got byeyond the fire left it in our
rear & stop to bait & Breakfast on a good spot of grass, this
morning the Herds of Buffalo speck the plains on both sides
of the river And Antelope in great abundance some of
which run into camp, the Buffalo calf is dead this morning
that was brought into camp alive last night we continued
our journey saw many herds of Buffalo Antelope & one large
Herd of Elk. A young Buffalo clalf came into camp & followed
us we gave him some milk & left him we travled 10 miles
& Nooned on the prairie. we scarsly meet with any timber
now, two Antelope were killed this forenoon but as we have
so much meet in camp it is thought best not to kill any more
Buffalo untill we need it or any other game. we were visited at
noon with many Buffalo Dr Richiards G. A. Smith & myself walked
up quite near several Buffalo Herds & exhamined them through
our glasses they were sheding their coats one bull Had a mat
of wool swin[g]ing by his side, like a loose robe, our Herd of
cows started to run among the Buffalo & President Young
run his horse to seperate them & had great difficulty in doing it
He lost A spy glass in the chase worth $40, the Brethren
Hunted for it A long time but could not find it we
continued to Journey among the Herds of Buffalo & we
are not out of sight of them at all they have eat the
grass out to such a degree that our cattle & Horses can
get but vary little to eat we camped near A Herd at
night that reached as far as our eyes could extend
there were thousands in it distance of the day 20 m
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