Day in the Life

Sep 4, 1847

Journal Entry

September 04, 1847 ~ Saturday

A hand pointing to the right
4th We travled to little Sandy 8 miles & to our Joy
we met with Capt Sessions fifty here we found
Parly Pratt fifty of company I dined with Br Abbo[tt] [page covered]
& family, while here I recieved A letter from Br
J Ferguson from the Army, in the Afternoon the
quorum of the Twelve met in council & one of the
most interesting councils we ever held together on the
earth In the Begining of the council two of the quor
um was reproved sharply for undo[i]ng what the
majority of the quorum had done in the organizing
of the camps for travelling At first it was not recieved
but afterwards the error was recieved & seen, confess[ion] [page covered]
made & much teaching given by the President &
the power of God rested upon us & wour hearts
melted & our eyes in tears. The President said
if he did not tell us our faults we would be destroyed
but if he told us of them & reproved us we would
live in love & our hearts be semented together
Brothers Prarley P Pratt & J Taylor had been to England & done a go[od] [page covered]
work had returned to winter quarters, & there done wrong dBy
disorganizing the two divisions & companies that the quorum o[f] [page covered]
the Twelve had spent the whole winter in organizing & which
was Also governed by revelation. Br Parley took the lead in th[e] [page covered]
matter & entirly disregarded our organisation & mixed the co[mp] [page covered]
anies all up Br Young chustized him for his course & taught us
Principle said that when we set a part one or more of the
Twelve to go & do a certain piece of work they would b[e] [page covered]
blessed in doing that & the quorum would back up what they
did, but when one or more of the quorum interfere with t[he] [page covered]
work of the majority of the quorum they burn their finge[rs] [page covered]
& do wrong when the majority of the quorum of the 12 plant [a] [page covered]
stake of Zion & esstablish A President over the stake & Appoin[t] [page covered]
A High Council there Has the minority of the Twelve one or mor[e] [page covered]
any right to go & interfere with those councils? No unless they
should get corrupt & do wrong then it would be the duty

[page covered] [o]f any one of the quorum of the Twelve to show them their error
& teach them what was right, & should the majority of those coun-
cils get corrupt & try to lead asstray the people it would then be the
duty of any one of the Twelve to disannul those councils & call upon
the people to sustain him & Appoint a new one but while the councils
are trying to do right it would be the duty of the Twelve who might be
with them to assist them in carrying out those views that the majority
of the Twelve had esstablished. The quorum of the Twelve all
decided that Br Pratt had committed an error in not carrying out the
organization as esstablished by the Twelve Br Pratt at first had
A hard spirit afterwords repented & confessed his fault & the Power
of God
rested upon President Young & the whole quorum, President
Young said that He felt Eternity upon him & was weighed down to the
earth with this work & that Br Kimble felt the weight of it more
than any other man except himself each one of the quorum exp
ressed their feelings upon the subject & we all had a good time
Br Young said He should chastize Br Parley or any one of the
quorum as much as he pleased when they were out of the wasy &
they could not help themselves but He done it for their good
& ownly done it when constrained to do it by the power of God
Br. H. C. Kimball Addressed by Young & wished him to rest as much
as possible & let his brethren bear his burthens He said He wanted Br
Brigham to save himself for He was waring down. I feel tender toward you
& want you to live, & If I or my Brethren do wrong tell us of it
& we will repent. Br Brigham said there was not a better set
of men on the earth than the BTwelve & He intended to chastize
them when they need it that they might be saved & love him & stick
by him. we all felt it good to be there for the Lord was with us


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1459 mentions
Ferguson, James
23 Feb 1828 - 30 Aug 1863
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1961 mentions
Abbott, Lewis
30 Nov 1793 - 30 Nov 1850
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions
Sessions, Perrigrine
15 Jun 1814 - 3 Jun 1893


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Discourse 1847-09-04
W. Woodruff the city is bounded ^East^ by 500 miles of Eternal Sage—on the West by the 60 mile long drive without wood grass or water & on all sides by a [munition] of rocks—I want you to remember your covenant & help to remove the ppl to the goodly land
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the we travelled to Little Sandy and to mar met Captain Session's Fifty and also Parley P. Pratt's Fifty. In the afternoon the quorum of the Twelve convened together and we had one of the most interesting councils we ever held together. At the commencement two of the quorum was sharply reproved for undoing what the majority of the quorum had done


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Sep 4, 1847