Day in the Life

Oct 31, 1847

Journal Entry

October 31, 1847 ~ Sunday

31st ^Sunday^ A strong wind we All got our Breakfast & organized for
going to Winter Quarters the company that came out to met
us went in front & our encampment followed we had A hard
days drive As our Horses were worn down we travled hard
through the day when within About one mile of Winter Quarters
we made A Halt And the company was drawn up in order & Addressed
by President Young & dismissed we drove into the city in order
the streets were lined with people to shake hands as we drove along
each one drove to his own home I drove up to my own door & was
truly rejoiced to once more behold the face of my wife & children again
after being absent over sevenix months And having travled with the
Twelve & the Pioneers near 2,500 miles & sought out a location for the Saints
And Accomplished one of the most interesting mishions ever accomplished
in the last days Mrs Woodruff had been confined with A daughter 3
days previous to my arival mother & daughter doing well all was cheerful
& Happy & we felt it A blessing to again meet distance from the Horn 30 m


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1587 mentions
Woodruff, Shuah Carter
28 Oct 1847 - 22 Jul 1848
12 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Sunday We all got over breakfast and organized for going into Winter Quarters The company that came out to meet us went in front of our encampment It was a hard day's drive as our horses were worn down and 30 miles were before us When within about one mile of Winter Quarters a halt was made and the company was drawn up in order and addressed by President Young ^who dismissed the Pioneer Camp with his blessing^ and then we drove into the city in order. The streets where lined with people to shake hands with us as we passed along. Each drove to his own home. ^Three^ days previous to my arrival I had a daughter born to me and I found both mother and child doing well and all cheerful and happy. ^&c &c &c^


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Oct 31, 1847