6th Several Horses & mules gone this morning Horsman gone after
them I opened my Bevin chest & library & found every thing
right we held A council with the officers in the morning it
was A vary cold day. In the Afternoon the Twelve met in coun
cil being eight of us And A. O. Smoot related to the quorum the
circumstances of John Taylor taking from John Benbow over
$300 for his sister & Br Taylors opinion was there could be no appeal
in the case to any other Authority. The council voted that John
Benbow have A rehearing before the quorum of the Twelve if He
wished it. Also voted that the High Council in the salt lake city take
charge of the property on its Arival there which was taken from
John Benbow, resolved also that there could be an appeal from
there decision to the majority of the quorum of the Twelve. I spent
the evening At Dr Richards office with the Twelve H& Herd the Epistle
read, that was for the Saints in the great Bason. I spent a part of the
night with Br Smoot at his waggon writing & reading letters, councilling
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