Day in the Life

Nov 15, 1847

Journal Entry

November 15, 1847 ~ Monday

15th I returned to winter Quarters with Br Potter & met in counc[il] [page covered]
with the Twelve O Pratt introduced the subject of the standing
& rights of the President & also of the quorum. O Pratt was followed
by G. A. Smith W. Woodruff & A Lyman & council Adjurned
untill tomorrow at 10 oclok


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Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
299 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1443 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions


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Discourse 1847-11-15
W Woodruff with regard to bro Brigham the Qu[orum]s [h]av[e] always sustained him, it has been a general principle it is our duty to uphold him—my feelings [a]r[e] similar to the others—their characters ought to be held up by the Prest in a similar way—bro Young has sometimes occasionally given me a little touch—but it wo[ul]d av a better effect if bro young sho[ul]d just step up to the bro & tell him you r doing wrong—it wod av a better effect of cementing them tog[ether]—there has been more union in the Quo[rum] under bro young than under any o[the]r man—first chastise him privately, then in the Quo[rum], bef[ore] it goes before the public—some persons may report things to bro Brigham & that may cause him to av prejudice against his bro—I feel it is his privilege to chastise every man, but he ought to come before me, before he brings me before the public—he has been in the same situation as I now am—if that course was to be pursued I shod be in fear & shod be expecting to hear my name next—if he comes to me, I will humble myself & try to do better—bro B. may have the reasons for doing it.


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Nov 15, 1847