Day in the Life

Dec 24, 1847

Journal Entry

December 24, 1847 ~ Friday


24th This conference was opened at 10 oclok according to appointment, Prayer
By O. Pratt W Woodruff Addressed the meeting upon the object of calling
the conference & was followed by O Pratt upon the same subject, much
interesting teaching & instruction was given through the day by A number
who addressed the meeting. The Brethren on that side of the river during
the last three weeks had built A Log Tabernacle for this & other conferences
65 feet by 40 we felt that they had done A great work in so short A time.
After doing the business of the day the quorum of the Twelve spent the
evening in council at Br Richards I spent the night at Br Guymans


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
819 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions
Guymon, Thomas
10 Mar 1787 - 20 Oct 1855


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a husband should be a righteous man a man of God & rule his houshold in righteousness & govern his wife with kindness & love & not with a rod, club, or his fist, his conduct to his wife should be such that she will love him with all of her heart and he should pray to God that his wife & children which are jewels given him might be saved & not taken from him that not any thing need be lost which the father hath given him. He said that many men through their con- duct would have taken from them that which they had & given to another. He said that when a man had a jewel given to him he ought to prize it & treasure it up & take good care of it & in process of time other jewels might be given him of the Lord, but he should not undertake to steal them for he could not keep them, and a man should not be in a hurry to obtain any blessing or exhaltation that is not for him & when he has proved himself faithful in all things before God there is no good thing that will be withheld from him in time or Eternity
~ Brigham Young
a husband should be a righteous man a man of God & rule his houshold in righteousness & govern his wife with kindness & love & not with a rod, club, or his fist, his conduct to his wife should be such that she will love him with all of her heart and he should pray to God that his wife & children which are jewels given him might be saved & not taken from him that not any thing need be lost which the father hath given him. He said that many men through their con- duct would have taken from them that which they had & given to another. He said that when a man had a jewel given to him he ought to prize it & treasure it up & take good care of it & in process of time other jewels might be given him of the Lord, but he should not undertake to steal them for he could not keep them, and a man should not be in a hurry to obtain any blessing or exhaltation that is not for him & when he has proved himself faithful in all things before God there is no good thing that will be withheld from him in time or Eternity & many other good instructions were given
~ Brigham Young
a husband should be a righteous man a man of God & rule his houshold in righteousness & govern his wife with kindness & love & not with a rod, club, or his fist, his conduct to his wife should be such that she will love him with all of her heart and he should pray to God that his wife & children which are jewels given him might be saved & not taken from him that not any thing need be lost which the father hath given him. He said that many men through their con- duct would have taken from them that which they had & given to another. He said that when a man had a jewel given to him he ought to prize it & treasure it up & take good care of it & in process of time other jewels might be given him of the Lord, but he should not undertake to steal them for he could not keep them, and a man should not be in a hurry to obtain any blessing or exhaltation that is not for him & when he has proved himself faithful in all things before God there is no good thing that will be withheld from him in time or Eternity & many other good instructions were given
~ Brigham Young

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Discourse 1847-12-24
W. Woodruff I felt as tho I was in the midst of Mormonism—when we assembled bef[ore], we [h]ad [no more] room—some of the lambs could not find room in the fold, but now we [have] a liberal room, & I am glad to see them. nobody else in the world could [have] und[erstoo]d of such thing as Mormons, to organize our meeting until we co[ul]d build a house large enough. Prest Young told us that one object is to see zion, and to examine your sp[irit] wher you were living in the faith, & to understand our own sp[irit], that we ma[y] stand the scrutiny of all. it stands us all to see our selves wher we [are] in the light. an[othe]r object is to la[y] busines bef[ore] the conf[erence]. the hrs of our present [citees], emigration next thing, mailing locations, &c & need [kn]ow no fears if our mind [are] always prep[are]d for bus[iness] of any thing coming that wo[ul]d [FIGURE] [cross] our path. We [are] like the chil[dren] of Is in the wilderness. We [have] a place sought out where we mean to build a city. let us be prepared to go to the mountains, o[the]rs to stay here & farm & e[lde]rs go a preaching. if our wills [are] submissive to the L[or]d be on hand, whether to go, or stay, or go a preaching, if we get so strait as to lean a little one way we ma[y] a[llo]w things to [FIGURE] [cross] our path. We ought to be lumber[ing] all the da[y] long that the L[or]d ma[y] make vessels of honor of us. The L[or]d has led this ppl all the time, every thing looks prosperous & comfortable. the Lord [h]as governed all things, & blest us in the family in the garden & his [spirit] [h]as been over you. all will be rit with us if we will [d]ow right. The council that will be given [yo]u will be good, the L[or]d intends to lead his ppl in a wa[y] that they ma[y] be blest. the Lord [has] s[ai]d it is his: to a w[orl]d to the wants of his S[ain]ts. We [have] acc[omplishe]d an interesting mission this s[ea]son. I see all the time the [spirit] & blessings of the L[or]d all the time. Whatever bus. ma[y] be laid bef[ore] you, be ready to act on it. We [are] come to see your faces & talk & comfort you, & if wrong set you right, & if rit you cant be set right. there is matter enough & business enough to la[y] bef[ore] you. I feel thankful to meet with you & pra[y] that you ma[y] [have] the sp of the Lord all the time, that you ma[y] carry out the council given you, & ma[y] the L[or]d bless you for Christ's sake Amen
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
The brethren on the East side of the river had been busily building their Log Tabernacle designed for this conference and others which might follow We felt they had done a good work in so short a time and on the day appointed we held this one of the most important conferences of the Church The Conference opened at 10 o'clock this day according to appointment. Orson Pratt opened by prayer and Wilford Woodruff addressed the meeting upon the object of calling the Conference and was followed by Orson Pratt upon the same subject Others also addressed the assembly during the day


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Dec 24, 1847