Day in the Life

Dec 31, 1847

Journal Entry

December 31, 1847 ~ Friday

31st A crown This is the last day of 1847 I went to the mill and got
8 bushels of wheat ground I had An interview with President
Young in the morning upon A variety of subjects among which was the
object of going east on a mission. we were introduced to Mr Mulho
from Nauvoo And herd letters read from there Help me keep thy commandments O Lord

Thus ends annother Year which has been an interesting and importa
nt year to the Saints. The Twelve Apostles with their brethren, one
hundred and fourty three souls As pioneers have made A journey more
than one thousands miles to the Rocky mountains And sought out A
place for A city, A stake of Zion, And A Temple of the Lord that the saints
may have A place to flee to while the indignation of the Lord passeth
over the nation that hath driven them out. Our Journey to the mountains
& back again to Winters Quarters with Horse, mule, and ox teams has been over
2000 miles more than half of the Journey we have had to make new roads
& with all of our exposures, sickness, & dangers not A Human life has been lost
but all returned in safety And what is more singular still, not A Horse mule
ox, cow, or calf was lost either going or returning except 2 Horses shot by disobeying
council. The blessing of the Lord has been great upon us as A people during
the past year in all the various portions of the Camp of Israel. We have
now found A place to build A stake of Zion whare the people can gather
together & build up Zion. The past year has shown forth the fulfi-
llment of Prophecy in the wars, rumours of wars, famins, Pestilence,
distress of nations with perplexity And in many of the signs of the
times The United States in their wasrs with the feble Nation of
Mexico have involved themselve in a debt of one hundred and fifty
millions of dollars besides the loss of twenty five thousand men
& twice that number to Mexico And their own expenses in the war, the
famine has raged in Irleland, the cholera through Europe, the breaking
of Banks & merchants has distressed the people in England. The Baron
Rothchilds the rich Jew has become A member in the British Parliament
which is A new eary in the History of the Jews, & they the Jews are
[page covered] [g]athering home to Jerrusalem by thousands what 1848 will bring to
[page covered] [pa]ss in the History of the Church and Kingdom of God time must
[page covered] [de]termin And also in the History of the Nations of the Earth May
the LORD hasten the gathering of Israel & the Building up of Zion for
[page covered] [J]esus Christ sake Amen

[page covered] [T]he following Page contains A synopsis of my travels during the year of 1847

I Travelled 2619 Miles The above distance was mostly from Council Bluffs across the Rocky mountains to the great salt lake, great Bason, North America, and back agains I Attended with the Twelve 56 Councils With the High Council 15 Councils I Preached to the Saints 33 times I Baptized 3 Persons I Confirmed 122 Persons I Ordained 1 Bishop Of the Quorum of Seventies 1 I Blessed 12 Children I Administered unto 30 Sick Persons I Wrote 14 Letters I Recieved 6 Letters


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
de Rothschild, Lionel Nathan
28 May 1810 - 3 Jan 1876
3 mentions
Historical Figure


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Dec 31, 1847