Day in the Life

Apr 7, 1856

Journal Entry

April 07, 1856 ~ Monday

7th The fore part of the day was occupied by P. P. Pratt &
L. Snow in the Afternoon W Woodruff delivered an
Address upon the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society
All the Authorities of the Church were presented & received
And W. Woodruff was Appointed Assistant Historian was to
take care of charge of the office during the absence of G. A. Smith

The Twelve met in the Tabernacle at 5 oclok & Blessed &
set apart 88 Missionaries thay blessed & set apart 257
255 persons in all During the conference W. Woodruff ordained
in company with others 12 to the office of Seventies He Blessed
Wilford Woodruff Brandon & ordained him He was named
after me 18 years ago I Baptized his Father & Mother 22 years
ago in Tennessee his Father has been dead several years I
took him home to my house gave him one Dollar a Blessing
& good council & let him go his way


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Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1439 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
15 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
3 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
703 mentions
Apostle, Family
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions


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Letter from John Milton Bernhisel, 7 April 1856
Washington City, Dear Brother, Inclosed is the receipt of Messrs Sanborn & Carter for one hundred and five dollars. Brother Houtz was to kill thirteen hogs in December, one fourth of which belonged to me, and the pork of which, after delivering as much to my family as they required, he was to dispose of, and pay the proceeds of the sales to you. Has he done so? Have you received any flour from him since you wrote last? Be kind enough to keep me informed how he gets on with the mill. The prospects for the speedy admission of Utah into the Union as a State are dark and gloomy. Yours in the Gospel John M. Bernhisel Mr Woodruff.
Discourse 1856-04-07
9 a.m. Showery. Meeting in the Tabernacle. Called to order by Prest. Kimball. Singing by the choir. Prayer by Elder W. Woodruff. Choir sung, "Come all ye saints who dwell on earth." Elder Parley P. Pratt addressed the congregation; al- luded to the spirit of prophecy manifested yesterday; referred to the time when he first saw the Book of Mor- mon and received the priesthood, and contrasted that period with some of the results at this time, the eleventh hour of the last dispensation. Elder Lorenzo Snow spoke upon the close times we are passing through, and exhorted the saints to be faithful and exercise wisdom. Elder Thomas Bullock read the "Act incorporating the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society;" also the bye-laws of said Society. Elders John Hyde and John B. Brown were voted t[o] take missions to the Sandwich Isles, and James F. Cleary to New Jersey. Henry Moon was voted to be bishop of the 1st ward in C. S. L. City. Jacob Wellar was voted to be bishop of the 3rd ward. Leonard W. Hardy, [was voted to be bishop of the] 12th [ward.] Frederick Kesler, [was voted to be bishop of the] 16th [ward.] Alonzo H. Raleigh [was voted to be bishop of the] 19th [ward.] Called for persons who are willing to turn in property to help the P. E. Fund. Choir sung, "Oh Lord, thy people bless," &c. Benediction by J. M. Grant. 2 p.m. The band played "Hail Columbia," and a march by St[r]auss. Congregation called to order by Prest. Grant. Choir sung, "Bring forth the royal diadem." Prayer by Elder W. Woodruff. Choir sung, "Praise the Lord, all ye nations." Elder Woodruff treated upon the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society. In accordance with a resolution passed by the Conven- tion, the Constitution of the State of Deseret was read by Thomas Bullock, and presented by Prest. Grant, for ap- proval or disapproval by the people, when it was unani- mously adopted by the vast host of electors present. The Memorial asking for the admission of Utah into the Union was read by Elder Bullock, and on presentation by Prest. Grant was unanimously adopted. Prest. Grant presented Geo. A. Smith and John Taylor, Delegates elected by the Convention, and their election was unanimously confirmed by the people. Prest. Grant then presented the authorities of the Church as follows: Brigham Young, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Prophet, Seer, and Revelator; Heber C. Kimball, first counselor, Prophet, Seer, and Revelator; Jedediah M. Grant, second counselor, Prophet, Seer, and Revelator. Orson Hyde, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, John Taylor, George A. Smith, Amasa Lyman, Ezra T. Benson, Charles C. Rich, Lorenzo Snow, Erastus Snow, and Franklin D. Richards, members of said quo- rum. John Smith (eldest son of Hyrum), Presiding Patri- arch. John Young, President of the High Priests' Quorum Joseph Young, Levi W. Hancock, Henry Herriman, Zera Pulsipher, Albert P. Rockwood, Benjamin L. Clapp, and H. S. Eldredge, Presiding Presidents over all the Seventies. John Nebeker, President of the Elders' Quorum, James H. Smith and Aaron Sceva his counselors. Edward Hunter, Presiding Bishop of the whole Church. Lewis Wight, President of the Priests' Quorum, George Dockstader and William Whiting his counselors. McGee Harris, President of the Teacher's Quorum, Adam Spiers and David Bowman his counselors. Alexander Herron, President of the Deacons' Quorum, John S. Carpenter and Frederic A. Mitchell his coun- selors. Brigham Young, Trustee in Trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Daniel H. Wells, Superintendent of Public Works. Truman O. Angel, Architect for the Church. Brigham Young, President of the Perpetual Emigrating Fund to gather the poor: H. C. Kimball, W. Woodruff O. Hyde, G. A. Smith, E. T. Benson, J. M. Grant, D. H. Wells, Edward Hunter, Daniel Spencer, Thomas Bullock, John Brown, William Crosby, A. Lyman, C. C. Rich, Lorenzo D. Young, P. P. Pratt, O. Pratt, F. D. Richards, and Daniel McIntosh, his assistants, and agents for said fund. David Fullmer, President of this Stake of Zion, Thomas Rhoads and P. H. Young his counselors. Heman Hyde, Eleazer Miller, Phinehas Richards, Levi Jackman, Ira Eldredge, John Vance, Edwin D. Woolley, John Parry, Winslow Farr, William Snow, Daniel Carn, and Ira Ames, members of the High Council. George A. Smith, the Historian and General Church Recorder. Not one negative vote was given. Eight persons were voted to go on missons. President Grant then related what is doing in England towards removing 10,000 persons from that country this season, and called on the people to aid the P. E. F. Com- pany by all the means in their power, so that the com- pany may increase their sphere of usefulness. President Kimball spoke concerning the missionaries sent out at this conference, and exhorted the people to store their grain, for the time would come when people from the nations and States will come here to buy grain from us. No man, said he, has language with which to portray the troubles that are coming upon the world, and I know it is so. Singing by the choir. Elder W. Willes sung, "Deseret the home of the free." Choir sung, "O my Father thou that dwellest." Benediction by Elder Willes. 5 p.m. President Kimball said some of the missionaries may not have had their endowments, but opportunity will be given for their receiving them. The Apostles met in the Tabernacle, and blessed and set apart 83 persons to their missions. 6 p.m. The High Priests met in the Council House. The Seventies held their quarterly conference in their Council Hall.
Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford rebaptizes family members over the age of 8 (3 wives, 3 children, and "Lamanite" boy Moroni).
Wilford appointed Assistant Church Historian (serves in Historian's Office from 1856 to 1883).
Wilford poisoned while skinning livestock; life saved through priesthood blessings.

Apr 7, 1856