Day in the Life

Apr 18, 1856

Journal Entry

April 18, 1856 ~ Friday

18th I went to the Historian office in the morning spent some
time writing Journal. Elder G. A. Smith & myself laid hands
upon the head of Samuel Harrison Bailey Smith the son of
Samuel Smith the witness of the Book of Mormoon G. A Smith
was mouth we ordained him one of the Seventies & set him
apart to go upon his mission to the United States. He had a good
Blessing it was written By Thomas Bullock


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Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1443 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Smith, Samuel Harrison
13 Mar 1808 - 30 Jul 1844
Bullock, Thomas
23 Dec 1816 - 10 Feb 1885


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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
On the in the Historian's Office George A Smith and myself laid our hands upon the head of Samuel Harrison Baliley Smith the son of Samuel Smith one of the "Witnesses to the Book of Mormon" and ordained him one of the Seventies and set him apart to go on mission to ^England^ George A Smith was mouth. About this time Parley Pratt was very


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Wilford rebaptizes family members over the age of 8 (3 wives, 3 children, and "Lamanite" boy Moroni).
Wilford appointed Assistant Church Historian (serves in Historian's Office from 1856 to 1883).
Wilford poisoned while skinning livestock; life saved through priesthood blessings.

Apr 18, 1856