Day in the Life

Apr 30, 1857

Journal Entry

April 30, 1857 ~ Thursday

30th I A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Mary Jackson I spent the day in the
office on correspondence & conversing with J. Clinton & C. Webb


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Clinton, Fielding Jeter
17 Feb 1813 - 10 May 1892
Ross, Mary Ann Jackson Woodruff
18 Feb 1818 - 25 Oct 1894
39 mentions


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Letter to the Editor of the Millennial Star, 30 April 1857
G. S. L. City Dear Sir, April 6, 7, 8 & 9 was the 27th annual conference held by the church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. and one of the most interesting I ever attended. The teachings of the First Presidency were rich indeed— pointing out the onward course of Israel, and urging upon the Saints to lay up grain against the days of famine. There were 11 missionaries appointed to the U. S., 13 to the Sandwich Isles, 33 to Europe, 22 to Canada and 2 to California. One very interesting scene transpired at the close of the conference: the sons of the Prophets and apostles were called up on the stand, and to speak before the assembled people. Their words were few but generally well ordered. Amongst the number were Joseph A. & Brigham Young Jr. William H. Kimball, Parley P. Pratt Jr., Orson Pratt Jr., and Heber John Richards In some wards in the city most of the young men have been ordained and set to work in the Priesthood as Teachers & Deacons. The weather for the past month has been very dry, and irrigating has been resorted to, to start the Spring crops. 34 brethren were selected this Spring to make a settlement on the Rio Virgin for raising cotton; and over 100 have
Letter to Mary Ann Jackson Woodruff Ross, 30 April 1857
Great Salt Lake City April 30th/57. Sister Jackson I Recceved a Note from you of March 7th which ought to have been answered before this time but the multiplicity of business has stood in my way of answering before you say wherein you have Erred & gone astray you ask my forgiveness In Reply I would say I feel to freely forgive you & all men who have in any wise sined against me. I lay nothing up against you but with Regard to Entering into the bonds of Matrimony I do not feel prepared to take that step for we have had a long experence in that & the past has fully shown that we have not Rendered each other happy, even after being seperated for years I agan provided you with a home but our spirits for some cause were not congenial & but a shor it was but a short time before you Requed [Requested] me to give you a Bill of Divorce which I did do by the advice of pre[s]ident Youg, & you signed wishing Releasing me from all further obligations. Our marriage has caused us both a good Deal of unhappiness which has been felt throghout my whole family. at Present I have peace & union with evry member of my family. I would not wish to take any step to for they are all subjct to me & all strive to abide my council & act for each others interest & welfare & without this principle does exist & is carried out o^i^n my family their will not be peace union or Happiness but the reverce will be expernced. and I do not feel that is^t^ is wisdom to take the steps which you sugget lest we should both be Rendered unhappy instead of bettering our conditn. with Regard to James I will say I am Ready at any time you please to take him & furnish him a home & do as well as I can by him as soon as He is old En[ou]gh He


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Apr 30, 1857