Day in the Life

May 1, 1857

Journal Entry

May 01, 1857 ~ Friday

May 1st A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to the Editor of the Star & Mormon
the sunday school children of this city had a May day walk organized under
ther teachers after prominadeing the Hills, canyon, & city about 600 of them
met in the Tabernacl & had an address delivered unto them by W Woodruff &

& Danilel Spencer Prayer by Bishop Hunter. it was quite an animating scene


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Spencer, Daniel
20 Jul 1794 - 8 Dec 1868


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Letter to the Editor of the Mormon, 1 May 1857
G. S. L. city Editor of the Mormon Dear Sir, The weather for the past month has been very dry, and generally warm. The health of the inhabitants of the city is excellent. The past conference was very interesting. The teachings of the First Presidency were appropriate and seasonable: 33 missionaries were sent to Europe, 22 to Canada, 13 to the Sandwich Isles, 11 to the U. S., and 2 to California. A great many have been called to go on the road between here and the States; some to make settlements, others to engage in the service of the Express and carrying co[mpan]y. Quite a number have left these vallies, and are returning to the States, and others to California. Since the arrival of bros Ellsworth and McArthur last fall with the hand cart companys, hand carts have become popular; inso- much that the Missionaries for Europe Canada and the States have substituted the hand carts, and are now travelling en route for the states by that method of conveyance: 23rd. Ulto. was the day appointed for their starting, which created an unparralleled excite- ment in the starting of Missionaries from these vallies. Appropriate addresses were delivered by Elders Hyde, Woodruff, L. Snow & others:


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May 1, 1857