Day in the Life

Dec 31, 1857

Journal Entry

December 31, 1857 ~ Thursday

31st I called upon President Young and asked his opinion
concerning a cotton company He said the time had come
for us to act and not talk if the people had done as you and
I have concerning sheep there would have now been a good
supply in this Territory, and with regard to cotton I am
now going to send men into the cotton country to make cotton
for me so I can have some to use myself and if you or any
of the Brethren wish to Join me you can I walked out
with him to the barn saw his stock of Mules Horses cows &c
I saw Col JohnsonAllexander Mule it was the poorest Animals in
the lot. I met in council with the board of Directors
of the Agricultural society heard a report of the treasurer and
prepared an article for the press

I looked over my Journal during the year AD 1857
A synopsis of which will be found on the following page

Thus ends another Years eighteen hundred and fifty eightseven
has past and gone to return no more forever, it has borne its report
to heaven of all men and Nations, it has been an important year
to Zion and the world 1857 will be the year on histories
page which will be dated the commencement of the downfall of
the United States. For it is during this year that they have ent-
ered the field as the open Enemies & persecuters of the saints
of the Most High God and have sent an Armey of 2500 men
1000 miles for the purpose of laying a foundation for the destruc-
tion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints called
Mormons whoave have setled in the great Bason of North
America called Utah Territory or the State of Deserett
Here is esstablished the Kingdom of God as Daniel saw it by
vision, and the people of the United States are Determined to
destroy the kingdom of God from off the Earth. For these things
the Judgments of God will now begin to rest more fully upon
that Nation and will be increased upon them year by year
untill they are broaken up and wasted away from under Heaven
and cease to become a Nation and this calamity will begin
to come spedily upon them. And they will be visited with
thunder, lightning, storm, whirl winds, Earthquakes floods, pestilence
plagues, war and Devouring fire and the wicked will slay the wicked
slay the wicked untill the Nation wais wasted away and broaken up

A Synopsis of my labors in 1857 I Travelled three hundred & twenty 7 327 Miles I Attended 86 meetings 86 Meetings I Preached 60 Discourses 60 Timies I Attended two General Conferences 2 Conferences I Attended 3 Councils with the Presidency & 12 3 Councils I Met with the Bishops 7 times 7 Meetings I Met with the High Priests 4 times 4 Meetings I Met with the Presidents of Seventies 8 times 8 Meetings I Met with the Missionaries 8 times 8 Meetings I Attended the Prayer Circle 45 times 45 Prayer C. I Attended the Legislature during 40 days 40 days Session I Met with the Agricultural Society 5 times 5 Meetings I spent 12 days in the Endowment House 12 Meetings I Baptized 73. And Confirmed 17 3=17 Baptized & C I Blessed 26 Missionaries and 8 Children 34 Blessed I Administered to 6 sick persons 6 Administered I Married 2 Couple 4 Married I dedicated the Baptismal Font of the 14 14th Ward

I Prepared the Books and attended the deposit in the
Temple of the Great Salt Lake City on the 13th Aug 1857

I reported 7 sermons, wrote 44 Letters, and received 27


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3459 mentions
Apostle, Family
88 mentions
Scriptural Figure


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

1857 will be the year on histories page which will be dated the commencement of the downfall of the United States. For it is during this year that they have ent- ered the field as the open Enemies & persecuters of the saints of the Most High God and have sent an Armey of 2500 men 1000 miles for the purpose of laying a foundation for the destruc- tion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints called Mormons whoave have setled in the great Bason of North America called Utah Territory or the State of Deserett Here is esstablished the Kingdom of God as Daniel saw it by vision, and the people of the United States are Determined to destroy the kingdom of God from off the Earth. For these things the Judgments of God will now begin to rest more fully upon that Nation and will be increased upon them year by year untill they are broaken up and wasted away from under Heaven and cease to become a Nation and this calamity will begin to come spedily upon them. And they will be visited with thunder, lightning, storm, whirl winds, Earthquakes floods, pestilence plagues, war and Devouring fire and the wicked will slay the wicked slay the wicked untill the Nation wais wasted away and broaken up
~ Wilford Woodruff

Related Documents

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Letter to Phineas Howe Young, 31 December 1857
Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
On the I called upon President Young and asked his opinion concerning a cotton company. He said the time had come for us to act and not talk. If the people had done the same as you and I have concerning sheep there would now have been a good supply in this Territory. And with regard to cotton I am now going to send men into the cotton country to make cotton for me so that I can have some to use myself and if you or any of the brethren wish to join me you can I looked over my Journal for the year 1857 and made up my usual Synopsis and of the events of the year I recorded my reflections of the day as follows "It has been an important year to Zion and the world 1857 will be the year on history's page from which will be dated the commencement of the downfall of the United States. For it is during this year that they have enttered the field as open enemies and persecuters of the Saints of the Most High God and and have sent an army of 2500 men over 1000 miles for the purpose of laying a foundation for the destruction of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who have settled here in in the Great Bason of North America, called Utah Territory or the State of Deseret. Here in the Valleys of the Mountains is established the kingdom of God which Daniel saw by vision and the people of the United States are determined to destroy the Kingdom of God from off the earth. [Daniel 2:26-47] But these judgements of God will now begin to rest more fully upon that nation and will be increased upon them year by


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Dec 31, 1857