Day in the Life

Jan 1, 1858

Journal Entry

January 01, 1858 ~ Friday

Jan 1st 1858

This is the first day of a new Year of 1858 It is a
vary plesant warm day, calm and serene, is it an omen of
peace and serenety to Zion for a year to come. time must
determin. we live in a day and generation which is big with
Events As the Church and kingdom of God advances to fulfill
its destiny it carries in its train Events, and is accomplishing
a work which is of the Deepest interes to all mankind whether
the living or the Dead who have ever tabernacled or ever will
tabernacle upon this the footstool of our God. All Prophets or Apostles
or inspired men of God who have written or spoken concerning
this generation whether recorded in records revealed or sealed
have pointed out clearly the events as they have transpired
and as they will transpire before our Eyes. It has now
been over 30 years since Joseph Smith the prophet received the
gold plates from the Hand of the Angel Moroni from which He
translated the Book of Mormon And it will be 28 years the
6th day of next April since the first Branch of the Church of
Jesus Christ was organized upon the Earth containing 6 members
This little Branch of the Church like a small mustard seed has
been nourished by the hand of God through all of its difficulties
afflictions and persecutions, untill it is becoming the greatest off
all herbs according to the parable of the Saviour who refered to
it. It has continued to grow and flourish in the midst of a
strong warfare and oppositions of wicked men and Devils
Untill it is growing into a kingdom in the midst of these moun-
tains and Everlasting Hills as spoken of by Daniel and other
Prophets. The Church and kingdom of God has had to wade
through a scenery of persecution oppression and Blood inflicted
upon her by the inhabitants of the United States from its first
commencement up to the present time untill many have been slain
and martered for their religion including the Prophet Joseph
who was the founder of the Church in this dispensation who was
shot in Carthage Jail with his Brother Hiram by a wicked and
hellish mob. As the Church has increased so has the opposition
increased against it untill the inhabitants of cities, towns,
counties and states rihave ^a^risen up in their wrath determined
to destroy the saints of God from off the Earth. The governors
rulers and people have all been united in this persecution and
inasmuch as the Saints of God continued to grow and thrive the
whole United States Government with President James Buca
at there head have sent an Army of 2500 men
to lay a foundation for our destruction. The Saints of God have
prayed that the Lord would hedge up their way that they could
not come into our valley to shed our Blood or that we need not
shed their Blood and the Lord has heard the prayers of his saints
and has hedged up their way they came as far as Forts Bridger
& supply On the East side of the mountains and there have to remain
for the winter while we are still enjoying our homes and Firesides
in peace to all human appearance that Great Nation the
United States with 25000000 of souls are determined to
Expend their treasures & use their force for the Destruction
of the Church and kingdom of God from of the Earth who
are now dwelling in thes vallies of the mountains. But we trust

Jan 1st 1858

in God as we have done heretofore and now looke forward with
feelings of Deep interest to the Events of 1858 Believing that God
will preserve his Saints and chastize his Enemies. The wicked
know not what they do "Darkness covers the Earth and gross darkness
the people." [Isaiah 60:2] "The Heathen rage and the people imagin vain things they
say let our Eye look upon Zion and let her be defiled" "but they
know not the thoughts of the Lord neither understand they his ways" [Micah 4:12]
"The Lord will have them in derision, He will laugh at their calamity & mock
when their fear cometh." [Proverbs 1:26] Their destruction will come suddenly upon
them as a whirl wind and no power can Deliver them. The measure
which they have meeted unto the saints, and seek to bring upon them
shall be meeted unto them again as a Nation, as states, counties, towns,
cities, and families untill evry man who does not draw his sword
against his Neighbor will be oblieged to Flee to Zion for safety And
these things shall shurely come to pass for the Lord God has spoken
it. Then prepare yourself O Land of America for the judgments of
the God of Heaven await ^you^ and are nigh even at your doors For the Lord
hath looked down from his Holy habitation and hath beheld all your
wickedness and abomination and all the Evil designs of your hearts
and all your secrets plans for the destruction of the Saints of the
Most High, for all these things God will bring you into Judgment
and He will require the stewardship at the Hands of the President of
the United States and at the Hands of the Senators, and Represen-
tatives, and Govornors, and Judges, and all the Rulers of the Land
will all be heald responsible for the use they make of the liberties
& blessings put into their hands and the whole people of the Land
who Elect the officers of Government will be held responsible
for the conduct of those officers as well as their own conduct
in their dealings with the Church and kingdom of God upon the
Earth. Let us watch the signs of the times of 1858 And we shall
find that the Lord will soon come out of his hiding place and in
his fury he will vex the Nation and in his hot displeasure he will
begin to cut off the wicked and unjust stewards and appoint them
their portion with hypocrites and unbelievers. [Doctrine and Covenants 101:89-90] Let the Saints of
God prepare for that which is to come

[rest of page blank]

I spent the day in the office upon my Journal and
upon the History of the Church I attended the ward Party
at Bellows Hall with my family the Hall was full a large
assembly. all seemed to enjoy themselves well in the dance I did
not dance. But remained a spectater till 9 oclok I was then
called upon to make a few remarks which I did in the following
Manner. I said I considder this assembly composed of
Gentlemen and Ladies yet I feel disposed to address you as
Brethren and sisters and say I wish you all a happy New Year
and I Pray my Father in Heaven that you may enjoy many
a happy new Year in days to come and I also pray that
when the next new Year arives it may find me you occupiy-
ing your own habitations in these vallies of the mountains
and if you wish as you are doing this evening to spend a
few hours in recreations that you may occupy the Halls in
this city instead of the top of the twin peaks or any other
crags of the mountains. The Blessings which you are enjoying
this evening are from the hand of God we all should acknow-
ledge the hand of God in all things we have had to bow our necks
to the yokes of tyrants and our persecuters in days gone by, the scene
is gone by past the yoke is now upon the neck of our Enemies in a
measure they have to stop East of the mountains in the snow while
we have the privilege of living still in our own house. it depends
upon our own conducts whether we still enjoy our own houses or
have to flee to the mountains I hope that while you go forth in the
dance and Enjoy yourselves that you will not forget God but that
you will not acknowledge the Hand of God in all that you enjoy You
have built Houses I pray that you may Enjoy th inhabit them
You have planted vineyard I pray that you may continue to eat
the fruit thereof. I hope you will not forget your prayers before the
Lord I have a great desire for the prosperity of this people I have been
associated with this Church for the Last 25 years of my life and
all the interest I have in time or Eternity is connected with this
Church and Kingdom I wish to see it prosper we have comm[enc]ed
a new Year much will transpire during this year which will be
of great interest to us as a people the Nations who have persec-
uted us will be heald responsible for their course towards us
Let us keep the commandments of God & live our religion & do
his will and all will be well may God Bless you Amen


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

88 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Hyrum
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
426 mentions
69 mentions
Historical Figure
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
76 mentions
Scriptural Figure


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

we live in a day and generation which is big with Events As the Church and kingdom of God advances to fulfill its destiny it carries in its train Events, and is accomplishing a work which is of the Deepest interes to all mankind whether the living or the Dead who have ever tabernacled or ever will tabernacle upon this the footstool of our God. All Prophets or Apostles or inspired men of God who have written or spoken concerning this Generation whether Recorded in Records revealed or sealed have pointed out clearly the events as they have transpired and as they will transpire before our Eyes. It has now been over 30 years since Joseph Smith the prophet received the gold plates from the Hand of the Angel Moroni from which He translated the Book of Mormon And it will be 28 years the 6th day of next April since the first Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ was organized upon the Earth containing 6 members This little Branch of the Church like a small mustard seed has been nourished by the hand of God through all of its difficulties afflictions and persecutions, untill it is becoming the greatest off all herbs according to the parable of the Saviour who refered to it. It has continued to grow and flourish in the midst of a strong warfare and opposition of wicked men and Devils Untill it is growing into a kingdom in the midst of these moun- tains and Everlasting Hills as spoken of by Daniel and other Prophets.
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Jan 1, 1858