21st I Had 6 Hogs Butchered to day I called at President Youngs
in the evening. The subject was discussed concerning the code of
civel proccess got up by the Code Commission it was voted down
by the Legislative assembly. The Presidency did not wish it to
pass. President Young said a Letter was received by Musser
by the last Mail from Brother Gibson who was on his
mission to England saying while travelling on a rail road they
had a collission with another train and mashed up the Engine
and care that he was in & yet not a soul was hurt as they
walked out of the ruins one man said there must be some
man of God on that care by which they were saved. Brother
Gibson remarked it was in fulfillment of prophecy for
Brigham Young said when He Blessed me that I should go
in safety by rail road & steamboat and this is in fulfillment
of his Blessing. The question was asked President Young
if he did not think the Nations were inspired to [go]
North as Columbus was to find this continent President
Young said they have had vary bad luck at it. No they are
not inspiried ownly by there own desire to open a North
west passage to China some think it is to open the way
for the 10 tribes but it is not so the Nations will have
Nothing to do with preparing the way for there return
but when the time has come for there return the Lord
will do the work the[y] are on a portion of Earth separated
from this globe in the North sewhich cannot be
seen from this Earth and when the time comes
the Lord will unite their land with ours & prepare the
way for there returne. President Young said there
was an exertion made to separate the union without
war but it cannot be done the union cannot hold
together but a few years it must soon part. The
southern people have more fears of there own servants
than anybody els. Many other remarks were made
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President Young said a Letter was received by Musser by the last Mail from Brother Gibson who was on his mission to England saying while travelling on a rail road they had a collission with another train and mashed up the Engine and care that he was in & yet not a soul was hurt as they walked out of the ruins one man said there must be some man of God on that care by which they were saved Brother Gibson remarked it was in fulfillment of prophecy for Brigham Young said when He Blessed me that I should go in safety by rail road & steamboat and this is in fulfillment of his Blessing.
President Young said there was an exertion made to separate the union without war but it cannot be done the union cannot hold together but a few years it must soon part. The southern people have more fears of there own servants than any body els. Many other remarks were made
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