Day in the Life

Dec 22, 1859

Journal Entry

December 22, 1859 ~ Thursday

22nd I killed a Beef to day or had one killed. I spent
the day in the office


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President Young said a Letter was received by Musser by the last Mail from Brother Gibson who was on his mission to England saying while travelling on a rail road they had a collission with another train and mashed up the Engine and care that he was in & yet not a soul was hurt as they walked out of the ruins one man said there must be some man of God on that care by which they were saved Brother Gibson remarked it was in fulfillment of prophecy for Brigham Young said when He Blessed me that I should go in safety by rail road & steamboat and this is in fulfillment of his Blessing.
~ Wilford Woodruff
President Young said there was an exertion made to separate the union without war but it cannot be done the union cannot hold together but a few years it must soon part. The southern people have more fears of there own servants than any body els. Many other remarks were made
~ Wilford Woodruff


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Church membership 61,000; population of Utah Territory 40,273, population of 33 United States 31,443,000.

Dec 22, 1859