Day in the Life

Feb 20, 1861

Journal Entry

February 20, 1861 ~ Wednesday

20. I spent the day in the office. The Deseret News of to day contains
the following statistics. That the seccessionest have seized 14 Forts which
costs $6000000. Pierced for 1099 guns and 5530 Men required to man
them. The Poney came in from the East brought word up to the 11 Feb. the
Southern States have Formed a Confederacy Apointed Jeff Davis President
& Stephens of Georgia vice President. I wrote a letter to G. A. Smith
A hand pointing to the right giving an account of my Journey to Brigham City & the last
Poney Express A folded letter/box I received an invitation to attend a Party at the
sucial Hall on Friday 22nd Feb in Honor of Gen Washingtons Birthday
A single key with teeth to the right I attended a meeting of the D. A. & M. Society at the Historians office
we formed a New ticket of President & Board of Directors I resigned
my place in the Board of Directors at the close of the meeting I went
to the printing office and staid till 11 oclok waiting for an Extra


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Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1448 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Washington, George
22 Feb 1732 - 14 Dec 1799
48 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
5 mentions
Historical Figure


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it was natural for us to wish to make all men like ourselves but we must take men as we find them & deal with them as such there is a great variety in the kingdom of God You cannot find any two limbs or leaves of a tree or spears of grass just alike
~ Brigham Young

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Letter to George Albert Smith, 20 February 1861
Great Salt Lake City Copied Elder G. A. Smith Dear Brother I write to say that in company with Elder John Taylor I took a mission to the North last week as far as Brigham City we had a good time much of the spirit of teaching was poured out upon us & the people seamed to have an Ear for hearing. We started on Friday preached at night at Farmington to a large congregation Exhorted to temperance &c. Sunday attended a conference at Ogden 1200 present. preached all day ordained a High Council at night had the spirit of God & a good time. Monday Bishop West carried us to South Webber in a sleigh Met a large Assembly of Bishops & Elders from the surrounding country. Herd Bishop Richard Cook & his new Prophet (Joseph Morris) speak an hour & a half in maintaining his calling in the 7th Angel. Elder Taylor & myself then occupied another hour then cut off Bishop Richard Cook & 15 others from the Church organized the remainder appointed Philo Allen to preside over them united them with Ogden under care of Farr & Wests, then returned to Ogden Tuesday went to Ogden Hold preached to the people Exhorted to pay tithing &c had a good meeting, rode to Willow Creek preached in the Evening to a full House. Wednesday held a meeting in Brigham City from 1 'oclok till 9 P. M. Taylor & myself preached in the afternoon & seven Elders bore testimony in the evening much of the power of God rested upon us J. C. Wright Bore a strong testimony. He will be in his grace soon if the


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Seven Southern states secede from Union. (Confederacy includes 15 states and territories by 1862.)

Feb 20, 1861