Day in the Life

Jan 1, 1862

Journal Entry

January 01, 1862 ~ Wednesday

Jan 1st 1862

Jan 1st 1862 This is the commencement of another
New year in this momentous fast age 1860 & [18]61 have been
two vary important years in the History of the united States
but 1862 will be more so. The war will be more severe
the people will be more inspired to shed Blood, greater
Battles will be fought & more lives lost, and there will
be many destructions in the Land, the Lord will visit the
people with other Judgments besides war, great calamities
await the wicked this year. there will be wars in foreign
lands and a great ^want^ of Bread in the Earth ther will be
pestilence, tempests, Floods Earth quakes and whirl winds
and Hail stormes which will destroy many of the lives
of men and the crops of the Earth, and the Lord will
continue to weaken this Nation untill they are broaken
to peasces and cast down to rise no more forever
The Lord has commenced a controvery with the
Gentiles upon this continent and He will never
scease untill they are broaken up & destroyed. The
Historian thiswill have much material for History during this
year. The foundation of the Temple has been uncovered
and it is the intention to commence building it this
season. The Saints are also about to call a convention
to organize a State Government and there will be a
great gathering of the Saints and there will many things
transpire in fulfillment of the Ancient & Modern
Prophets. The Nations of the Earth grow more and
more wicked Virtue righteousness & truth is hardly
known among men Except what is found among the
Latter Day Saints and they are persecuted by the Nation
because it Exists among them. This is a vary wicked
generation & the Earth groans under its abomination
and because of these things the Lord will pour out his
Judgments upon the inhabitants of the Earth untill the
Earth is clensed from the Abomination that Exhists &
the refuge of lies is swept away and the Earth prepared
for the coming of the LORD, who will Esstablish righteousness & truth

I spent most of the day in the office writing D. B. Huntington
called into the office and gave us the following report He said
that when the Govornor got up to Eaphraim Hanks when
Wood Reynolds had changed the Horses to go on as the
Govornor John W. Dawson came to get in Wood Reynolds
knocked Him down He ran into the House Reynolds follo-
wed him in & there beat him almost to death and drove
off & left him in his gore He done this because of his
insult to Mrs Williams also insulting the women at Ephraim


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Jan 1st 1862 This is the commencement of another New year in this momentous fast age 1860 & 61 have been two vary important years in the History of the united States but 1862 will be more so. The war will be more severe the people will be more inspired to shed Blood, greater Battles will be fought & more lives lost, and there will be many destructions in the Land, the Lord will visit the people with other Judgments besides war, great calamities await the wicked this year. there will be wars in foreign lands and a great ^want^ of Bread in the Earth ther will be pestilence, tempests, floods Earth quaks and whirl winds and Hail stormes which will destroy many of the lives of men and the crops of the Earth, and the Lord will continue to weaken this Nation untill they are broaken to peasces and cast down to rise no more forever The Lord has commenced a controvery with the Gentiles upon this continent and He will never scease untill they are broaken up & destroyed. The Historian tryswill have much material for History during this year.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The foundation of the Temple has been Uncovered and it is the intention to commence building it this season. The saints are also about to call a convention to organize a State Government and there will be a great gathering of the Saints and there will many things transpire in fulfillment of the Ancient & Modern Prophets. The Nations of the Earth grow more and more wicked. Virtue righteousness & truth is hardly known among men Except what is found among the Latter Day Saints and they are persecuted by the Nation because it Exists among them. This is a vary wicked generation & the Earth groans under its abomination and because of these things the Lord will pour out his Judgments upon the inhabitants of the Earth Untill the Earth is clensed from the Abomination that Exhists & the refuge of lies is swept away and the Earth prepared for the coming of the LORD, who will Esstablish righteousness & truth
~ Wilford Woodruff
President Brigham Young who delivered a vary instructing & useful discourse. [FIGURE] He Exhorted the saints to bring ther passions in subjection to the spirit of God for the spirit of God would teach every person that which is right & rwrong then let the saints take the wright & refuse the wrong as long as a man follows the spirit of God so long so long the spirit of God will dwell with him we shall have a glory Just according to the Law we keep there are many degrees of glory ther are but vary few capable of receiving the Highest degree of Glory there are but few in comparison who will be crown[ed] Gods & the sons of God for they will not keep the Law which will give it to them He made many vary important remarks.
~ Wilford Woodruff quoting Brigham Young

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Jan 1, 1862