Day in the Life

Jan 22, 1877

Journal Entry

January 22, 1877 ~ Monday

22 I spent the day in writing and the Evening at President Youngs


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3454 mentions
Apostle, Family

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Letter to Clara Martisha Woodruff Beebe, 22 January 1877

St George Dear Daughter Nellie I thank you for your good kind Letter. It does me so much good to get letters from my children and I want you to write to me one a week abot family affairs and let me know abot all that is going on for it is as intersting to me to get letters from my children as it is for them to get letters from me. I am getting so fat I have to use a cane to walk with I hope you will be able to go to school some and get what learnging you can but I wat you to excue this short letter Your Affectionate DaFather W Wooduff Dear Claria, I want to write a few words to you I wish I could see you. If you will get on to the Telagraph wire some Evening and come down to St George and sleep with me over night. I will pay the Bill. I have to sleep alone nights I used to sleep with Brother Angel, but He has gone home I want not ownly take you through the Temple but would take you upon the High moutains close to the city & let you take a swing in a cave put up by the Boys for the girls to swing on it is a high swing fastened to a large roungnd Bar of Iron fastened into the rocks over head O it is such a pretty place, But if you cannot come down, on the Telegraph wire, I will come & see you then we will have such a good time learn all you can write to me a little I want to see you vary much goodby from your Affetionate Father Wilford Woodruff Dear Owen How do you get along, what do you do these days, have you not got big Enough to learn your letters & begin to read & spell dog cat & cow I want you to begin to learn so as to write to me when I am away from home have you learned to spin you[r] top yet, I want to have you spell top, and tell me in a letter how you spell it you are good Boy I want to have you be careful & not say any bad words, if the cat cScracthes you or Asahel or Clara plagues you, dont say any bad words, but stop & think about it and be a man and go away and say Nothing bad for I want to have you be a good Boy I want you to learn to pray for you will have to preach the Gospel some time I pray for you evry day I will come home & see you some time your Father W Woodruff Dear Wineford Blanch I am glad you are Better I hope you will get well Nellie tells me some stories about you, But I will give you libery to do just as you please till I come, you may scold at Nelly, s[t]rike the cat, stomp your foot, make cakes, turn over the coal Hod, Bite Asahel if He plages you, get Ownie chair, stick Claries doll in the ashes, tangle up your Mothers yarn and Enjoy your self the best thyou can till I come home & when you get Bigger I will give you another Lesson I dont see no little girl down here like you but I see some that look like Clariaie and one boy here a little like Ony but I had rather have Owen then him for Owen is more of a man Now you take care of your Mother and when you get to be a woman dont say I never wrote you a letter, your Loving Father Wilford Woodruff

Letter to Winnifred Blanche Woodruff, 22 January 1877

St George Dear Daughter Nellie I thank you for your good kind Letter. It does me so much good to get letters from my children and I want you to write to me one a week abot family affairs and let me know abot all that is going on for it is as intersting to me to get letters from my children as it is for them to get letters from me. I am getting so fat I have to use a cane to walk with I hope you will be able to go to school some and get what learnging you can but I wat you to excue this short letter Your Affectionate DaFather W Wooduff Dear Claria, I want to write a few words to you I wish I could see you. If you will get on to the Telagraph wire some Evening and come down to St George and sleep with me over night. I will pay the Bill. I have to sleep alone nights I used to sleep with Brother Angel, but He has gone home I want not ownly take you through the Temple but would take you upon the High moutains close to the city & let you take a swing in a cave put up by the Boys for the girls to swing on it is a high swing fastened to a large roungnd Bar of Iron fastened into the rocks over head O it is such a pretty place, But if you cannot come down, on the Telegraph wire, I will come & see you then we will have such a good time learn all you can write to me a little I want to see you vary much good Boy from your Affetionate Father Wilford Woodruff Dear Owen How do you get along, what do you do these days, have you not got big Enough to learn your letters & begin to read & spell dog cat & cow I want you to begin to learn so as to write to me when I am away from home have you learned to spin you top yet, I want to have you spell top, and tell me in a letter how you spell it you are good Boy I want to have you be careful & not say any bad words, if the cat cScracthes you or Asahel or Clara plagues you, dont say any bad words, but stop & think about it and be man and go away and say Nothing bad for I want to have you be a good Boy I want you to learn to pray for you will have to preach the Gospel some time I pray for you evry day I will come home & see you some time your Father W Woodruff Dear Wineford Blanch I am glad you are Better I hope you will get well Nellie tells me some stories about you, But I will give you libery to do just as you please till I come, you may scold at Nelly, stike the cat, stomp your foot, make cakes, turn over the coal Hod, Bite Asahel if He plages you, get Ownie chair, stick Claries doll into ashes, tangle up your Mothers yarn and Enjoy your self the best thyou can till I come home & when you get Bigger I will give you another Lesson I dont see no little girl down here like you but I see some that look like Clariaie and one boy here a little like Ony but I had rather have Owen then him for Owen is more of a man Now you take care of your Mother and when you get to be a woman dont say I never wrote you a letter, your Loving Father Wilford Woodruff

Letter to Emma Manella Woodruff, 22 January 1877

St George Dear Daughter Nellie I thank you for your good kind Letter. It does me so much good to get letters from my children and I want you to write to me one a week abot family affairs and let me know abot all that is going on for it is as intersting to me to get letters from my children as it is for them to get letters from me. I am getting so fat I have to use a cane to walk with I hope you will be able to go to school some and get what learnging you can but I wat you to excue this short letter Your Affectionate DaFather W Wooduff Dear Claria, I want to write a few words to you I wish I could see you. If you will get on to the Telagraph wire some Evening and come down to St George and sleep with me over night. I will pay the Bill. I have to sleep alone nights I used to sleep with Brother Angel, but He has gone home I want not ownly take you through the Temple but would take you upon the High moutains close to the city & let you take a swing in a cave put up by the Boys for the girls to swing on it is a high swing fastened to a large roungnd Bar of Iron fastened into the rocks over head O it is such a pretty place, But if you cannot come down, on the Telegraph wire, I will come & see you then we will have such a good time learn all you can write to me a little I want to see you vary much good Boy from your Affetionate Father Wilford Woodruff Dear Owen How do you get along, what do you do these days, have you not got big Enough to learn your letters & begin to read & spell dog cat & cow I want you to begin to learn so as to write to me when I am away from home have you learned to spin you top yet, I want to have you spell top, and tell me in a letter how you spell it you are good Boy I want to have you be careful & not say any bad words, if the cat cScracthes you or Asahel or Clara plagues you, dont say any bad words, but stop & think about it and be man and go away and say Nothing bad for I want to have you be a good Boy I want you to learn to pray for you will have to preach the Gospel some time I pray for you evry day I will come home & see you some time your Father W Woodruff Dear Wineford Blanch I am glad you are Better I hope you will get well Nellie tells me some stories about you, But I will give you libery to do just as you please till I come, you may scold at Nelly, stike the cat, stomp your foot, make cakes, turn over the coal Hod, Bite Asahel if He plages you, get Ownie chair, stick Claries doll into ashes, tangle up your Mothers yarn and Enjoy your self the best thyou can till I come home & when you get Bigger I will give you another Lesson I dont see no little girl down here like you but I see some that look like Clariaie and one boy here a little like Ony but I had rather have Owen then him for Owen is more of a man Now you take care of your Mother and when you get to be a woman dont say I never wrote you a letter, your Loving Father Wilford Woodruff

Letter to Abraham Owen Woodruff, 22 January 1877

St George Dear Daughter Nellie I thank you for your good kind Letter. It does me so much good to get letters from my children and I want you to write to me one a week abot family affairs and let me know abot all that is going on for it is as intersting to me to get letters from my children as it is for them to get letters from me. I am getting so fat I have to use a cane to walk with I hope you will be able to go to school some and get what learnging you can but I wat you to excue this short letter Your Affectionate DaFather W Wooduff Dear Claria, I want to write a few words to you I wish I could see you. If you will get on to the Telagraph wire some Evening and come down to St George and sleep with me over night. I will pay the Bill. I have to sleep alone nights I used to sleep with Brother Angel, but He has gone home I want not ownly take you through the Temple but would take you upon the High moutains close to the city & let you take a swing in a cave put up by the Boys for the girls to swing on it is a high swing fastened to a large roungnd Bar of Iron fastened into the rocks over head O it is such a pretty place, But if you cannot come down, on the Telegraph wire, I will come & see you then we will have such a good time learn all you can write to me a little I want to see you vary much good Boy from your Affetionate Father Wilford Woodruff Dear Owen How do you get along, what do you do these days, have you not got big Enough to learn your letters & begin to read & spell dog cat & cow I want you to begin to learn so as to write to me when I am away from home have you learned to spin you top yet, I want to have you spell top, and tell me in a letter how you spell it you are good Boy I want to have you be careful & not say any bad words, if the cat cScracthes you or Asahel or Clara plagues you, dont say any bad words, but stop & think about it and be man and go away and say Nothing bad for I want to have you be a good Boy I want you to learn to pray for you will have to preach the Gospel some time I pray for you evry day I will come home & see you some time your Father W Woodruff Dear Wineford Blanch I am glad you are Better I hope you will get well Nellie tells me some stories about you, But I will give you libery to do just as you please till I come, you may scold at Nelly, stike the cat, stomp your foot, make cakes, turn over the coal Hod, Bite Asahel if He plages you, get Ownie chair, stick Claries doll into ashes, tangle up your Mothers yarn and Enjoy your self the best thyou can till I come home & when you get Bigger I will give you another Lesson I dont see no little girl down here like you but I see some that look like Clariaie and one boy here a little like Ony but I had rather have Owen then him for Owen is more of a man Now you take care of your Mother and when you get to be a woman dont say I never wrote you a letter, your Loving Father Wilford Woodruff

Letter to Emma Smith Woodruff, 22 January 1877

St. George Dear Emma, I received your good letter and Nellies next morning after I sent my last in which I spoke of the Death of Sister Martha Smoot. I wrote next dy to Broth & Sister Smoot at provo. I thank you for your kind feeling towards me. I prize the love of my family and wish to do what I can to make them comfortable but being called of God and the presidt of the Church to officiate in the spiritual things of the Kingdom it of course deprives me of takeing all the time for my family and spending my time with them. But I am satisfied that my mission to St George this winter will be of much benefit to me in many Respects. I was so worn down when I left home that I needed Rest, and the Blessing one may that I had received since I had ben here, the following are some of them. I had had the privilege of Dedicating the Temple on the lower portion of it unto the Lord. I have had the privilege of doing the first Baptzing, confirming ordaining giving the 2nd Anointings in the temple and have organized the working company, and am presiding over the Temple at in the labor therof. I have been an instrument in the hands of the Lord in Revolutionizing the moral spirit of the City of St George when I came here there had not been but one Prayer Meeting, attended in the City for a year the was one a week, at

Letter to Emma Smith Woodruff, 22 January 1877

St George Dear Daughter Nellie I thank you for your good kind Letter. It does me so much good to get letters from my children and I want you to write to me one a week about family affairs and let me know about all that is going on for it is as intersting to me to get letters from my children as it is for them to get letters from me. I am getting so fat I have to use a cane to walk with I hope you will be able to go to school some and get what learnging you can but I want you to excue this short letter Your Affectionate DaFather W Wooduff Dear Claria, I want to write a few words to you I wish I could see you. If you will get on to the Telagraph wire some Evening and come down to St George and sleep with me over night. I will pay the Bill. I have to sleep alone nights I used to sleep with Brothr Angel, but He has gone home I want not ownly take you through the Temple but would take you upon the High mountains close to the city & let you take a swing in a cave put up by the Boys for the girls to swing on it is a high swing fastened to large rougnd Bar of Iron fastened into the rocks over head O it is such a pretty place, But if you cannot come down, on the Telegraph wire, I will come & see you then we will have such a good time learn all you can write to me a little I want to see you vary much good Boy from your Affectionate Father Wilford Woodruff Dear Owen How do you get along, what do you do these days, have you not got big Enough to learn your letters & begin to read & spell dog cat & cow I want you to begin to learn so as to write to me when I am away from home have you learned to spin you top yet, I want to have you spell top, and tell me in a letter how you spell it you are good Boy I want to have you be careful & not say any bad words, if the cat cScracthes you or Asahel or Clara plagues you, dont say any bad words, but stop & think about it and be man and go away and say Nothing bad for I want to have you be a good Boy I want you to learn to pray for you will have to preach the Gospel some time I pray for you evry day I will come home & see you some time your Father W Woodruff Dear Wineford Blanch I am glad you are Better I hope you will get well tNellie tells me some stories about you, But I will give you libery to do just as you please till I come, you may scold at Nelly, stike the cat, stomp your foot, make cakes, turn over the coal Hod, Bite Asahel if He plagues you, get Ownie chair, stick Claries doll into ashes, tangle up your Mothers yarn and Enjoy your self the best thyou can till I come home & when you get Bigger I will give you another Lesson I dont see no little girl down here like you but I see some that look like Claraie and one boy here a little like Ony but I had rather have Owen then him for Owen is more of a man Now you take care of your Mother and when you get to be a woman dont say I never wrote you a letter, your Loving Father Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church membership reaches 115,065.
Wilford receives revelation authorizing proxy ordinances for his family by non-relatives.
In honor of Wilford's 70th birthday, 154 women serve as proxies in ordinances for his deceased female relatives.
Wilford and others finished writing down the ceremonies and temple procedures.

Jan 22, 1877