Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
70 years of Age this March 1,
March 1, 1877. I Wilford Woodruff record in my birth
Journal A History of the celebration of this my sevendtieth
birth day. I arived at the Temple of the Lord in Staint George
Washington County, Utah, at 8 oclok in the Morning. I was
there surrounded with one hundred and fifty four
virgins, Maidens Daughters and Mothers in Zion from
the age of fourteen to the Aged Mother leaning upon her
staff. All had assembled for the purpose of Entering
into the Temple of the Lord to make me a birth day Present
by being washed And Anointed and receiving their Endo-
wments for and in behalf of one hundred and Thirty
of my wives who were dead and in the spirit wor[l]d
the majority of which had been sealed to me and the rem-
ainder were to be, therse persons had been sealed to me during
the last fifteen years by Presidents Brigham Young, Heber
C. Kimball, Daniel H. Wells, G. Q. Cannon, and Joseph F.
Smith. Also 2Twenty four near relatives were added to
to this list of wives for whom these beloved sisters in
Zion were to receive there Endowments this day. As this was
to be confined to the sisters alone No men were to receive their
endowments to day. I put into this list all my near Relatives
and saved none of the Thompson, Hart, or Woodruff family
Except My own Mother Bulah Thompson Woodruff
and Grand Mother ^Dinah^ Woodford Woodruff. My Step Mother
Azubah Woodruff was officiated for. Eudora L. Young
officiated for my ownly Sister Eunice Woodruff.
And when this record was All made out the sisters
occupied all five of the washing Bathes in the Temple, all
the sisters were washed and Anointed Among the number
were three wives and four daughters of President Brigham
Young viz Lucy B. Young Margarett Pierce Young, Naamah C.
^Twiss^ Young, and, Susie Young Dunford, Eudora Young, Rhoda M Young, Shamira
Young, & Ruth Young. When they had all assembled to gether
in the Creation Room I presented myself before them
clothed in my white Doe skin Temple dress. I there delivered
unto them a short address, But I had not Enough of immor
tality about me to fully answer my mind. my soul was
almost to full for utterance. The following is a synopsis of my
speech. My Beloved sisters I present myself before you
this morning, not ownly with prayer and fasting, but a heart
filled with praise and Thanksgiving to my Heavenly Father
for his mercy and kindness unto me, And also to you my
sisters for a Blessing of such magnitude as you are prese-
nting unto me this day. I do not suppose that A scene of
this kind was Ever presented before the heavens or the
Earth, before God, Angels, or Man from this Earth
since the foundation of world was laid: Therefore I
feel justified in changing the order of the lecture usally
given here, there is no men here and all of you have heretofore
received your Endowments. I feel that it is due you at
this time and place to give you the origin of this scene which
is presented before us today. Ever since I have been working
in this Temple my mind has been exercised in behalf of the
dead, And have felt a great desire to see my dead redeemed
before I passed away. A few days ago I went into the
Cealing room whare I often go to pray for I consider
there is no spot on this Ear[t]h more acceptable than
this Temple and while there I went befor the Lord
with this subject resting upon my mind And I prayed
the Lord to open My way to see my Dead redeemed,
And while I prayed the spirit of the Lord rested
upon me and conveyed the following Testimony to
^ me. Let my servant Wilford call upon the virgins
Maidens, Daughters, & Mothers in Zion and let them
Enter into my ^Holy^ Temple on the 1 day of March the
day that my servant Wilford has seen th^e^ time
alloted to man, Three score years and Ten, and
there let them received their washing and Anont-
ings and Endowments for and in behalf of the wives
who are dead and halve been sealed to my servant
Wilford, or those who are to be sealed to him, and this
shall be acceptable unto me saith the Lord, and the
dead of my servant shall be redeemed in the spirit
world and be prepard to meet my servant at
the time of his coming which shall be at the time
appointed unto him, though not revealed to man
in the flesh. [Mark 13:32] Now go to and perform this work
and all shall be accomplished according to the desire of
your heart.
This was mearly a key to me,
light burst upon my understanding. I saw an Effetual
door open to me for the redemption of my dead, And
when I saw this I felt like shouting Glory Hallalulah
to God and the Lamb. Now in this matter you can be
baptized for any number on the same day, but when
you come to giving Endowments one person can ownly
attend to one in a day. Some of those women you have
been officiating for have been sealed to me, some have not
those that were sealed to me were sealed at various times
during the last twenty years, By President Young, H. C. Kimball,
D. H. Wells, G. Q. Cannon and J. F. Smith I have never
taken this course without consulting President Young.
when this thing was manifest to me I said to some of the
sisters that I would like to have them come on my
Birth day day and make me ^a^ present by getting endowments
for some of my dead, and as a testimony to me all
were willing. When I saw the magnitude of this I spoke
to President Young about it he said he would funish
half a dozen himself and He has in this assembly 5
widaughters and 3 wives I feel thankful to you my sisters
for this manifestation of kindness for you might have
searched the world over and you could not have found a
presidentesent as deare to me as this. What is gold or silver in
comparison to the redemption of our dead, Nothing.
if I can redeem my dead, and save myself and family
I will be satisfyed. I feel that when we get into the
spirit world we shall see the importa^nce^ of this days work
This is my birth day, I am three score years and tten to
day. you are to day in this Endowment without a man
with you. But we shall furnish one Man as an
Adam L John Nuttall, will officiate as such. Sisters
you have the Blessings and Gratitude of my heart, And
I hope I may not ownly partake of Eternal life with
those whom you are redeeming to day, But with all
of you who are laboring for them this day. I pray
that we may all meet with them in the Celestial kingdom
of our God Amen. I went through the Endowments
of the day more like being in vision than a reality
These 154 sisters were led to three veils and
three of us Wilford Woodruff J. D. T McAllister
& L John Nuttall all dressed in Temple Clothing
took them all through the three veils. I took through
about 60, at the Middle veil, which I attended (there
was no sealing to day). President young was present at
the Temple in witnessing the ceremonies. At the close of
the labor at the temple I took a carriage and rode to
David M Cannons, from there I was Accompanied
to St George Hall by McAllister, Raleigh and
Nuttall & D M Cannon and placed in the midst
of a surprize Party Got up for the occasion the room
decorated, foand a Table set loaded with all the
luxeries of life, surrounded by nearly one hundred
of those who had been receiving Endowments for my
dead during the day. President Young set at the head of
the Table surrounded By his family and after Blessing
was asked their was presented before me a present
of a birth day Bridal Cake three stories high
adorned with the beasts of the field from the Elephant
down, and ornamented with two satin sheets covered
with Printed Poetry composed for the occasion and
these two sheets of Poetry had to be taken and read
Before the Assembly by Susan Young Dunford, the following
is the poetry contained on the two sheets of satin on
the other page. This scene this day is among the most
wonderful Events of the last dispensation and fulness
of times in which we live, and this door which is
open for the redemption of the Dead in this manner will
accomplish great and important results, for it is now being
carried out in a great Many instances in the Temple of the
Lord, and will continue to be more and more unto the End
this above remark is made on the 12 day of March upon
the events taken place since the 1 day of March, by this labor
in redeeming our dead by Proxey much can be accomplished
our dead can be redeemed. This principle has given me great
Joy unspeakable at the thought that I can live on the Earth
to behold my Numerous friends redeemed who are in the
spirit world, this principle says to us in loud language
that the Lord is Good and Gracious, and his Mercies Endureth forever
Elder Wilford Woodruff,
On the anniversary of his 70 Birth
Birthday, spent in the Temple of the
Lord, officiating for his dead ^(By proxy)^
June Hazel Dall
Thy seventieth year is now complete,
O^h^, what a glorious day!
We in Gods Holy Temple meet
And in his name we pray,
That you may many More such days
Upon this Earth still see—
And that the bliss of Endless lives
On all thy race may be.
Oh, long live Wilford Woodruff,
And may his years increase;
For ownly with his life on Earth,
His works of Love will cease.
We meet to day with Joy to act,
A pro[x]y for thy dead,
And Givee thee scores of wives who'll be
Like crowns upon thy Head.
This day will never be forgot
In heaven or on Earth below,
Gods Blessings on Each one will rest—
This, this we surely know.
Thy time and talents thou hast spent
To do the work of God—
Pleased to obey our Fathers call—
And thought not of reward.
Thou, faithful servant, never dreamed,
For thee, there was in store,
A Birth day such as this on Earth
None have Enjoyed before.
The Prision gates have opened been,
The dead have been set free,
And many who have know[n] thy worth,
Salvation gain through thee,
Their Glad Hosannahs will resound
Through heaven's etherial space
That wish the ransomed, they can meet
Around the Throne of grace
Mrs A Randall
St George Utah
March 1, 1877
Composed for Brother Wilford Woodruff
One of the Twelve Apostles.
within the Holy Temple's walls
we celebrate this day,
For seventy years have crowned thy head,
All hail to thee we say.
The first of all the sons of men
Art thou to celebrate
A Birth day in this unique way—
That makes thy Kingdom great
For Many that have passed away
And dwell whare spirits live,
Rejoice, with songs of Gladness now
That Thou these Blessing give
That they're redeemed and ransomed ones
can live among the just,
And numbers, by a prox[y] here
Have put in thee their trust.
Full well they know thy power and place
Thy honered calling here,
And they rejoice that thou hast lived
To bless them in there sphere.
How often the destroyer came
To loose the band of life,
And sou^ght^ to bear thee from the Earth,
Because of thy belief—
Because thy work on Earth was great
And much was still to come,
He many times has sought thee out,
But thou wast not alone;
A power above his power, forbid
Rebuked him and he fled
And left thee, still to Bless mankind
The living and the dead.
And we rejoice with thee to day,
That thou hast lived to see
This birth day, in this holy house
All hail! all hail! to thee.
May many birthdays still be thine
we wish thee peace and Joy,
with gifts from heaven and boons of Earth
May naught, thee, ne'er annoy
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A few days ago I went into the Cealing room whare I often go to pray for I consider there is no spot on this Ear[t]h more acceptable tha[n] this Temple and while there I went befor the Lord with this subject resting upon my mind And I prayed the Lord to open My way to see my Dead Redeemed, And while I prayed the spirit of the Lord rested upon me and conveyed the following Testimony to [FIGURES] me. Let my servant Wilford call upon the virgins Maidens, Daughters, & Mothers in Zion and let them Enter into my ^Holy^ Temple on the 1 day of March the day that my servant Wilford has seen the time alloted to man, Three score years and Ten, and there let them received their washing and Anont- ings and Endowments for and in behalf of the wives who are dead and halve been sealed to my servant Wilford, or those who are to be sealed to him, and this shall be acceptable unto me Saith the Lord, and the dead of my servant shall be redeemed in the spirit
world and be prepard to meet my servant at the time of his coming which shall be at the time appointed unto him, though not revealed to man in the flesh, Now go to and perform this work and all shall be accomplished according to the desire of your heart. This was mearly a key to me, light burst upon my understanding. I saw an Effetual door open to me for the redemption of my dead, And when I saw this I felt like shouting Glory Hallalulah to God and the Lamb.
what is gold or silver in comparison to the redemption of our dead, Nothing. if I can redeem my dead, and save myself and family I will be satisfyed. I feel that when we get into the spirit world we shall see the importance of this days work
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