Day in the Life

Mar 17, 1879

Journal Entry

March 17, 1879 ~ Monday

17 We drove to Willow Springs soon the road divided
one going to Sunset the other to Moan Copy we watered at
Willow Springs I was quite unwell with the cholic for
some two hours we took breakfast at willow springs
and filled our cask with water. We then drove many
miles across a terrible Desert Bated at Noon on a little
grass on the sand hills we drove to Moyncoppy and
found it located on a sand Hill I here Met with John
W Young
and his wife Luella we were glad to Meet
I found them in a tent whare I spent the night 25 M[iles]

The country from Willow Springs is the most
Peculiar Country I ever visited for some 20 miles
it is one continous desert of rock, mounds, sand hills
gravel beds &c. Many tons of rocks look as though they
were hewn square like timber some were 20 feet long and
from 12 to 18 inches square and all shapes & sizes. there
hills of thin slate But in a decayed state rocks in Evry
shape of men, women, Palaces &c but a general desolation
untill we come to the Bottom land South of Moancoppy
which contains shrubery of various kinds and some wheat
grass. We saw one larg field of wheat. I spent the Evening
talking with John W. Young and Andrew S Gibbons the Ind-
ian interpeter


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Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
328 mentions
Young, Luella Cobb Brigham
21 Oct 1860 - 19 Jul 1920


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
17. we drove to ^Willow springs thare watered Here the Road^ Divided one going to Sunset the other to Moyncoppy. We wattered at Youngs 8 Parks ^willow springs^ (I was unwell with the cholic 2 Hours) we took Breakfast at willow springs, filled carts with water we then drove over 7 miles across a terrible desert & camped for noon rested Horses
Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
on a little grass on the sand Hills watter drove to Moyncoppy and found it located on a Hill. I here met with John W Young & his wife Luella we were all glad to met I found them in a tent whare I spent the night distance of the day 25 Miles This country from the Willow springs to Moyencoppy is the strangest country I ever passed over some 20 miles it is one contin eous desert of Rocks Mounds sand Hills gravel Beds &c many tons of rocks look as though they were hewn square some of them are 20 feet long & from 12 to 18 inches square and all shapes & siszes then Hills of thin slate but in a decayed state Rocks in Evry shape of men women children palaces &c But a general Desolation untill we come to the Bottom land south of Moyencoppy which contains bushes of various kinds and some wheat Grass we saw one large field of wheat I spent the Eve[nin]g talking with John W Young & Andrew S Gibbons the Indian interpeter


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Mar 17, 1879