Day in the Life

Feb 7, 1879

Journal Entry

February 07, 1879 ~ Friday

Feb 7, 1879 An arrow For the first time in my life I have had
to flee away from my Enemies for the gospels sake or
from any other cause they are now trying to arest me om [on]
Poligamy And as I had to Leave St George at 7 oclok I
got into a waggon from the Temple with David H Cannon
and drove all night


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Cannon, David Henry
23 Apr 1838 - 24 Dec 1924
167 mentions


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For the first time in my life I have had to flee away from my Enemies for the gospels sake or from any other cause they are now trying to arest me on Poligamy And as I had to Leave St George at 7 oclok I got into a waggon from the Temple with David H Cannon and drove all night
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Bengt Nelson, 7 February 1879
Ceder City To Brother O. Pratt and W. Woodruf Dear Brethering ACording to the Reqwest made of me at your ofice when I came home from my mistion to Sveden in giving an acount of my labers & travels I wil her do so acording to the best of my understanding I was caled at the Comforence held at the Tempel of St. Georg April the 8th 18757, and started from home Ce- der City the 23 rd the same monht reching Salt Lake City on the 5 th of may I aten ded the meting held in the Councel- house and was ther set apart by Brother Orson Prat and I in Company wiht Josef F: Smith & some twenty others for Europe left Salt Lake City on the 8 th of may foor of us being for Skandinavian we reahed Kopen- hagen on the 2 nd of June the 3 rd we


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Feb 7, 1879