Day in the Life

Sep 7, 1879

Journal Entry

September 07, 1879 ~ Sunday

7. Sunday I spent the forenoon in writing and attended
Meeting in the afternoon and spoke to a large assembly
including Judge Stinson I spoke one hour and the spirit
of the Lord
rested upon [me] Jesse N Smith followed 25 M[inutes]
Keys crossed I spent the Evening with J. N. Smith Lorenzo Hatch
Bishop Hunt & Jesse N Perkins Bishop Hunt brought
up a long lists of accusation aga[ins]t Br Hatch passing through
several years we investigated them all, and found them
all small trifles at the close all were forgiven and shook
hands as good friends


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
Sept 67, 1879 Sunday I spent the forenoon in writing & reading I attended Meeting in the Afternoon and spoke to a large Assembly including Judge Stinson spoke one hour the spirit of God was upon me Jesse N Smith followed me 25 M[inutes]. In the [FIGURE] Eve[nin]g I met with J. N. Smith Lorenzo H. Hatch Bishop Hunt Brother perkins & Tenney Br Hunt brought Brought up a long list of Accusations aga[ins]t Br Hatch we investigated them all, and found them all small trifles at the close all were forgiven & shook Hands as good friends

Sep 7, 1879