Day in the Life

Sep 8, 1879

Journal Entry

September 08, 1879 ~ Monday

8 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to John W Young & J G Bleak. I
helped Br Smith finished his grainery


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Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
Smith, Jesse Nathaniel
2 Dec 1834 - 5 Jun 1906
Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
328 mentions

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Letter to James Godson Bleak, 8 September 1879
Snowflake Apache Co. Arizona Dear brother Bleak: I returned to this place on Saturday night after a journey of 25 days in visiting The Nephites, Jacobites, Josephites and Lamanites as spoken of in the 3 Sec. 17 verse of the D. and C. who comprise the Zunies, Lagoonies and Islatus. On my return I found awaiting me 33 letters -[among them the following E. Snow, Jaques 3, J. Oakley 1, Woodruff family 9, Lot Smith 1, John W. Young 2, (Susie Young 2, Zina Williams 2) J. D. T. McAllister 2, Farnsworth 1, L. B. Y. 2, and James G. Bleak 6, of July 18 and 25 Aug. 6, 8, 12, and 19 for which please accept my thanks and blessing]- They contained a great deal of news and many things of interest and while I was on my journey I had no chance to write to anybody only while at Albequirke 12 miles above Islatus on the Rio Del Fort. I sent 3 postal cards to John Taylor, E. Snow and my family was all the communication I had with any one while on that mission. And now -[brother Bleak]- I feel after saying that I am very well and in the best of spirits that I cannot interest you or my friends in St. George any better than by giving you a brief account of my journey and visit among the Nephites, which I consider one of the most interesting missions of my life, I say Nephites because if there is any Nephites on this Continent we have found them among the Zunies, Lagoonies, and Islatus for they are a different race of people altogether from Lamanites. I class the Navajoe, Neoquie and Apaches with the Lamanites although they are in advance of many Indian tribes of America. I class the Zunies, Lagoonies, and Islatus among the Nephites. The Zunies are in advance of the Navajoes, Apaches or any other Lamanites, the Lagoonies are much above the Zunies and the Islatus are far above them all in wealth in beatuty, cleanliness and order of their homes and persons, the adornment of their dwellings, their industry and indefatiguable labors, the virtue and purity of their national blood, their bearing and dignity
Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
78 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 Letters to John W Young gave an Account of my visit to the Isletos. I wrote to James G. Bleak at St George but did not finish it I helped Br Smith Build his granery

Sep 8, 1879