Day in the Life

Nov 29, 1879

Journal Entry

November 29, 1879 ~ Saturday

29 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from G. Q. Cannon one to Lot Smith
The quarterly conference met at sunset at 10 oclok. Prayer By
Jesse N Perkins W Woodruff spoke 20 Minutes Wm C Allen
spoke 12 M, and represented St Joseph. J N Walker repre-
sented Millville. Lot Smith spoke 8 M, Bishop Lake 8 M,
Br Savage 8 M & represented Sunset, Lot Smith 10 M.
Afternoon Bishop Lake Prayed. The Authorities of the
Church were presented and sustained Lorenzo Hatch
spoke 35 M, Jesse W Perkins spoke 20 M, W Woodruff
spoke 30, Lot Smith 34 M.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Lake, George
15 Sep 1838 - 23 Mar 1898
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2271 mentions
Savage, Levi Mathers
11 Jan 1851 - 15 Mar 1935
Hatch, Lorenzo Hill
4 Jan 1826 - 20 Apr 1910
Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
365 mentions
Allen, William Coleman
14 Feb 1843 - 17 Mar 1926


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Discourse 1879-11-29

Elder Lewis Allen ^Apostle W. Woodruff^ was pleased to meet with his brethren and sisters in conference. President Young had said the Latter-day Saints would yet need homes in Arizona. Had accomplished in Utah what we have by the blessings of God and by faith and so we would in this land. We are blessed here and hoped we would keep our minds on the business of this meeting and leave out all outside matters from us. There is great enmity among the children of men against the people of God, notwith- standing this, those who fear God and keep his commandments are a blessed people, but those who are not of us will hate us. In reading the history of the world we find that 1/4 of the inhabitants of the earth have been slain in battle, and about 3 years in 4 been occupied in war, and the Lord will destroy the wicked by war. Zion will rise and Babylon will fall. It is a marvel that we enjoy the peace we do from the out- side world. Showed how Enoch and others had been persecuted. In coming into the mountains we have fulfilled the predictions of ancient prophets.

Discourse 1879-11-29

Elder Lewis Allen ^Apostle W. Woodruff^ said it was a great satisfaction to hear the testimo- nies of the brethren. There is a vail between us and the Lord, but there is none between uthe Lord and us, and it is thus to try us and prove us. The eyes of the Lord are over us and our works. Spoke of Job's patience. We shall be held to account for the use of the gifts endowed upon us. The Lord will sweep the wicked off from the face of the earth. There is not a crime that could be named but what this nation is guilty of. In his boyhood he was anxious to live upon the earth when God had the priesthood upon it, and he had lived to behold it. We shall never be driven from these mountains, but we shall enlarge our borders and extend the Stakes of Zion. [Doctrine and Covenants 82:14] The Lord does not depend upon numbers to accomplish His purposes. We should build up Zion and the judgements will fall upon the wicked. We are living in an important time. This nation and its officers will soon have something else to do, than to chase the elders of Israel around. If the Lord has any friends upon the earth it is in these mountains.

Discourse 1879-11-29

Elder Lewis Allen ^Apostle W. Woodruff^ remarked whenever you saw a man whose religeon was in his clothes you need not look for it anywhere else.

Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)

29th [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from G Q. Cannon one to me one to Lot Smith. The quarterly conference met at Sunset at 10 oclok Prayer By Jesse N Perkins W Woodruff spoke 20 Minutes Wm C Allen spoke 12 M[inutes]. & represented St Joseph Br J N Walker represented Millville Lot Smith spoke 8 M[inutes] Bishop Lake 8 M[inutes], Br Savage 8 Minutes & represented Sunset Lot Smith spoke 10 M[inutes]. Afternoon prayer By Bishop Lake The Authorities of the Church and of this State were presented & received Lorenzo Hatch spoke 35 M[inutes], Jesse N Perkins spoke 20 M[inutes] W W spoke 30 Lot Smith 34


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church membership 135,000; Utah Territory 143,963; population of 38 United States 50,190,000.
Wilford receives Wilderness Revelation regarding God's defense of the patriarchal law of marriage.

Nov 29, 1879