Day in the Life

Nov 30, 1879

Journal Entry

November 30, 1879 ~ Sunday

30. Sunday conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Brother
Burnham W Woodruff read the XIX ch of the Book of Alma
on the resurrection and restoration and spoke one hour
Lot Smith spoke 30 M. Afternoon Prayer By George Skinner
sacrament administered Bishop Lake spoke 42 M, Br Burnham
12 M. We held a meeting in the Evening when Brother Ladd
Turley, Tanner, ^&^ Perkins spoke W Woodruff spoke 30 M,
gave an account of his first Mission & other Missions spoke
to the Missionaries to the Lamanites. Conference adjourned


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Discourse 1879-11-30

Elder Lewis Allen ^Apostle W. Woodruff^ then said there are certain principles which never become old with us. Hea then read from the book of Mormon, Alma XIX chapter, commencing with the 5th paragraph. There is an eternal variety in the world. He desired the same body in the resurrection as he now had and he expected it, and we would all have the same bodies in the resurrec- tion and he rejoiced in it. The company we keep here we will keep in the world to come. You show me what a man sows in this life and I will show you what he will reap in the world to come. [Galatians 6:7] Referred to the dark- ness that beclouded the minds of the people outside of the Latter-day Saints Is there a happier people than the Latter-day Saints? No. The saints of God are few yet we can afford to endure persecution and those who oppose us will go to hell. As long as the saints will let the Holy Spirit guide them, there is no danger of them falling into the dark. Every man who holds the priesthood will be sorry for every sin he commits. We should be kind to our wives and children and to one another. He was thankful he was born in this generation. He had been through a great many hard places but his life has been preserved, and felt to give the glory to God. How long he would be permitted to live he did not know. Let us serve the Lord and pray to God. Every one who bears the priesthood are entittled to the spirit of revelation and we should listen to the whisperings of the still small voice. The revelations to this people are true. It was pleasing to see us living in the United Order, and if all the saints would live in this manner, sinners in Zion would tremble, and fear would come upon the hypocrite. He did not feel to forsake any of the commandments of God, for the sake of ac- commodating those who are going to hell or to a nation steeped in sin and iniquity. Let us go upward and let our aim be for the Celes- tial Kingdom.

Discourse 1879-11-30

Elder Lewis Allen ^Apostle W. Woodruff^ said we should practice what we preach. Babylon will fall and he wanted the saints to encourage home man- ufactures. We should lay up our wheat, and what we cannot manufacture ourselves let us do without. By our pursuing this course we will have the blessings of the Lord upon us. Those who are not for us are against us, and we should be watchful and not betray our brethren.

Discourse 1879-11-30

At 7 oclock p.m. the Saints met together, where elders S. G. Ladd, Isaac Turley, B. Y. Perkins, H. M. Tanner and W. R. Tenney bore thier testimonies and were followed by Elder Lewis Allen ^Apostle W. Woodruff^ who spoke in a most instructive manner, giving his experience in the ministry and exhorted us to labor for the redemption of the remnants of the house of Israel upon this land, saying the time has come when the Lord will pour out his Spirit upon them and they will soon go forth in this nation and tread down the wicked as a young lion among lambs. [Isaiah 5:29] He also gave instructions with regard to the missionaries sent among them, that they should travel and preach.

Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)

Nov 30 Sunday conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Brother Burnham W W. spoke cuchoan read the XIX chapter of the Book of Alma on the resurrection & restoration Lot Smith spoke 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By George Skinner sacrament Administered Bishop Lake spoke 42 Minutes Brother Bushman 12 M[inutes]. We held a Meeting in the Evening Br Dean prayed BElder Ladd, Turley, Tanner, Perkins, & Teny spoke then W W spoke 30 Minutes giving an account of his first Mission & other Missions and spoke to the Lamanite Missionaries & Conference adjourned untill 28 & 29 of Feb 1880


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Church membership 135,000; Utah Territory 143,963; population of 38 United States 50,190,000.
Wilford receives Wilderness Revelation regarding God's defense of the patriarchal law of marriage.

Nov 30, 1879