Day in the Life

Jul 3, 1880

Journal Entry

July 03, 1880 ~ Saturday

3. I met in a quarterly conference at 10 oclok in the Assembly room
Joseph E Taylor Prayed Minuts & statiscties read, 9 Men
were recommended to be ordaind Elders. The Authorities
of the Church were then Presented and sustained, Home
Missionaries called Joseph E Taylor spoke 16 M, J Taylor
15 M, W Woodruff 30, Elias Smith 15 M. I met in the Evening
with the compbined companies of mutual Improvem[en]t, Relief
& Primary in the Assembly room and the reports
of those societies Herdard and speeches made


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smith, Elias, b. 1804
6 Sep 1804 - 24 Jun 1888
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1966 mentions
Taylor, Joseph Edward
11 Dec 1830 - 13 Feb 1913

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Discourse 1880-07-03
REPORTED BY JOHN IRVINE. I HAVE listened to the instructions given here this afaernoon by my brethren, as well as the remarks of Brother Cannon, this forernoon, with feelings of a great deal of interest. When we talk of our duties as Latter-day Saints I think many times that some of us, perhaps all of us, more or less, fall short of compre- dending and understanding the re- sponsibilities which we are under to God. I believe there never was a dis- pensation or a generation of men in any age of the world that ever had a greater work to perform, or ever were under greater responsibil- ity to God, than the Latter-day Saints. The kingdom of God has been put into our hands. We have been raised up as sons and daughters of the Lord to take this kingdom, to lay the foundation of it, to build up- on it, to carry it out in its various branches until it becomes perfected before the heavens and before the earth as God has foreordained it should be. And those principles which have been referred to by the brethren in regard to our duties we cannot safely ignore them nor turn aside from them. I will say as one of the quorum of the Twelve Apos- tles, from the time I was first ac- quainted with its organization until to-day we have never felt ourselves at liberty to stay away from our meetings unless we were sick or cir- cumstances hindered us in some way or other. I can say that for myself, and I believe I can say the same for my brethren. We have always felt duty bound to attend our meetings, and if we do not attend the question might arise, what has become of the Twelve Apostles? Where are they that they do not at- tend their meetings? It would be a very proper question to ask. And if this responsibility rests upon us in the capacity which we occupy does it not rest upon other men? I think it does. I do not believe the Lord ever required Joseph Smith or Brig- ham Young or any of their counselors to undertake to build up this king- dom alone. He never required them to build these temples alone. They were required to perform their duties, that is true. Joseph Smith was called of God, inspired of God, raised up of the Lord, ordained of God long before he was born, to stand in the flesh, as much as Jeremiah or any of the ancient prophets, to lay the foun- dation of this Church and kingdom. He performed his work faithfully. He labored faithfully while he taber- nacled in the flesh, and sealed his testimony with his blood. Other men were called also to build upon the foundation which he laid. We have in days that are past and gone been under the necessity of going forth to preach the gospel in the world. We have had this to do. We have been called to do it. We have been ordained to do it. We have been commanded of God to do it, and so have hundreds and thou- sands of the elders of this Church and kingdom. We have all some responsibility, more or less, resting upon us, whether as regards going on missions or anything else. I re- member Brother Joseph Smith vis- ited myself, Brother Taylor, Brother Brigham Young and several other missionaries, when we were about to take our mission to England. We were sick and afflicted many of us. At the same time we felt to go. The Prophet blessed us as also our wives and families; and I was read- ing a day or two ago his instructions from my journal. He taught us some very important principles, some of which I here name. Brother Taylor, myself, George A. Smith, John E. Page and others had been called to fill the place of those who had fallen away. Brother Joseph laid before us the cause of those men turning away from the command- ments of God. He hoped we would learn wisdom by what we saw with the eye and heard with the ear, and and that we would be able to discern the spirits of other men without be- ing compelled to learn by sad experi- ence. He then remarked that any man, any elder in this Church and kingdom—who pursued a course whereby he would ignore or in other words refuse to obey any known law or commandment or duty—when- ever a man did this, neglected any duty God required at his hand in at- tending meetings, filling missions, or obeying counsel, he laid a founda- tion to lead him to apostasy and this was the reason those men had fellen. They had misused the priesthood sealed upon their heads. They had neglected to magnify their calling as apostles as elders. They had used that priesthood to attempt to build themselves up and to perform some other work besides the building up of the kingdom of God. And not only did he give us this counsel, but the same is given in the revelation of God to us. I have ever read with a great deal of interest that revelation given to Joseph Smith in answer to his prayer in Liberty jail. I have ever looked upon that revelations of God to that man, considering the few sentences it includes, as contain- ing as much principle as any revela- tion God ever gave to man. He gave Joseph to understand that he held the priesthood which priesthood was after the order of God, after the or- der of Melchisedec, the same priest- hood by which God himself per- formed all his works in the heavens and in the earth, and any man who bore that priesthood had the same power. That priesthood had com- munication with the heavens, power to move the heavens, power to per- from the work of the heavens, and wherever any man magnified that calling, God gave his angels charge concerning him and his ministrations were of power and force both in this world and the world to come; but let that man use that priesthood for any other purpose than the building up of the kingdom of God, for which purpose it was given, and the heavens withdr[a]w themselves, the power of the priesthood departs, and he is left to walk in darkness and not in light, [Doctrine and Covenants 121:37] and this is the key to apostasy of all men whether in this generation or any other. Our responsibilities before the Lord are great. We have no right to break any law that God has given unto us. The more we do so the less power we have before God, before heaven and before the earth, and the nearer we live to God, the closer we obey his laws and keep his com- mandments, the more power we will have, and the greater will be our desire for the building up of the kingdom of God while we dwell here in the flesh. We have no right to break the Sab- bath. We have no right to neglect our meetings to attend to our labors. I do not believe there was any man ever belonged to this Church and kingdom since its organization has ever made anything by going to at- tend to his farm on the Sabbath; but if your ox falls into a pit get him out; work in that way is all just and right, but for us to go farming to the neg- lect of our meetings and other duties devolving upon us is something we have no right to do. The Spirit of God does not like it, it withdraws itself from us, and we make no money by it. We should keep the Sabbath holy. We should attend our meet- ings. This kingdom is advancing. It has got to advance, and somebody has got to build it up. Somebody has got to labor in it. The God of heaven has had a people prepared before the world was made for this dispensation. He had a people pre- pared to stand in the flesh to take this kingdom and bear it off, and the very spirit of the prophets and apos- tles who have gone before us has been manifested in the lives of faith- ful men and women from the organ- ization of this Church until to-day and will continue until the coming of the Lord, as there are a great many men and women who will live their religion and carry out the pur- poses of God on the earth. It is our duty as apostles, as eld- ers and as Latter-day Saints to con- template, to reflect, to read the word of God, and try to comprehend our condition, our position, and our re- sponsibility before the Lord. If our eyes were opened, if the vail were lifted, and we should see our con- dition, our responsibility, if we could comprehend the feelings of God our heavenly Father and the heavenly hosts and the justified spirits made perfect in their watch-care over us, in their anxiety about us in our lab- ors here while we are in the flesh, we would all feel that we have no time to waste in folly or anything which brings to pass no good. All of us as elders of Israel and as Latter- day Saints bear some portion of the holy priesthood, either the Melchis- edec or Aaronic. It is a kingdom of priests, and there is work enough for this people to magnify their calling. The Lord has agreed to sustain us, and to break every weapon that is formed against us. [Isaiah 54:17] He has promised to sustain Zion, and when the Pro- phet saw this Zion of God in the mountains his soul was filled with joy and he cried, "sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains; for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his af- fl[i]cted." [Isaiah 49:13] Again the Prophet says, "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have com- passion on the son of her womb,—yea they may forget, yet will I not forget thee." [Isaiah 49:15] Zion has been before the face of the Lord since the creation of the world! Our heavenly Father has protected this people. We have been favored from the day we set our feet in the valleys of the moun- tains notwithstanding the tribulation and opposition we have had to con- tend with. All the designs of the wicked and ungodly to stop this work have been thwarted. The hand of God is over Zion. He is our com- forter. He sustains us, and we have every encouragement on the face of the earth as Latter-day Saints to be true and faithful unto him the little time we spend in the flesh. Our responsibilities are great, our work is great. We not only have the gospel to preach to the nations of the earth, but we have to fill these valleys, towns, cities &c., and we have, among other important things, to rear those temples unto the name of the Lord before the coming of Christ. We have got to enter into those temples and redeem our dead— not only the dead of our own family but the dead of the whole spirit world. This is part of the great work of the Latter-day Saints. We shall build these temples and if we do our duty there is no power can hinder this work, because the Lord is with us. And certainly our aim is high. As a people we aim at cel- estial glory, we aim at the kingdom of God. We have been raised up for this purpose to warn the world, to preach the gospel, to go to the meek of the earth and bring them to these valleys of the mountains, that they may be delivered from the power of sin and Satan. Our num- bers are many compared with former dispensations. Nevertheless, our nu- mbers are few when compared with the twelve or fourteen hundred mil- lions of inhabitants who dwell in the flesh. Still with the help of God, we have power to redeem the world. This is our work. We are obliged to labor and to continue while we are here, and when we have finished our work our sons the rising genera- tion have got to take this kingdom and bear it off. Eight of the quorum of the Twelve Apostles are in the spirit world to- day who were in the flesh when we came here, and so they pass away one after another, when they finished their work. Do you suppose that in their minds and feelings they re- alized they had done too much? I think not. Just so with those who remain in the flesh. There is no time to throw away, and I would to God that the elders of Israel could fully realize and compreehnd the great work that God has put upon their shoulders—the building up of the kingdom. This kingdom has continued to in- crease and spread. When we came here 33 years ago we found this place a barren desert. There was no mark of the white man here. It was a desert indeed, hardly a green thing to meet the eye. You can see to-day for yourselves. The inhabitants of Zion are a marvel and a wonder to the world. They occupy these val- leys of the mountains from Idaho to Arizona. The valleys, as it were, are filled with Latter-day Saints. And who are these Latter-day Saints? They are the people whom the God of heaven has raised up in fulfilment of promise and revelation. He has carefully gathered them to- gether by the power of the gospel, by the power of revelation and placed them here in the valleys of the mountains. Has there ever been any power formed against this peo- ple that has been successful? Nay; and this people will never see the day when our enemies shall prevail, for the very reason that God had de- creed that Zion shall be built up, the kingdom that Daniel saw shall roll forth, until the little stone cut out of the mountain without hands shall fill the whole earth. [Daniel 2] The people of God shall be prepared in the latter-days to carry out the great programme of the Almighty, and all the powers of the earth and hell combined cannot prevent them. When I see the view that the world take in regard to this great latter-day work; when I hear it questioned as to whether God has anything to do with it; when I see the feeling of hatred that is manifested towards us, to me it is the strongest evidence that this is the work of God. Why? Because we have been chosen out of the world and therefore the world hate us. [John 15:18-25] This is a testimony that Jew and Gentile and the whole world look at. Then if this is the work of God what is the world going to do about it? What can this nation or the combined nations of the earth do about it? Can any power beneath the heavens stay the progress of the work of God? I tell you nay, it can- not be done. I do not boast of these things as the work of man; it is the work of the Almighty; it is not the work of man. The Lord has called men to labor in his kingdom, and I wish the elders would look upon this subject as it is and realize our pos- ition before the Lord. Here we are a handful of people chosen out of some twelve or fourteen hundred millions of people; and my faith in regard to this matter is that before we were born, before Joseph Smith was born, before Brigham was born— my faith is that we were chosen to come forth in this day and genera- tion and do the work which God has designed should be done. That is my view in regard to the Latter- day Saints, and that is the reason why the apostles and elders in the early days of this Church had power to go forth without purse or scrip and preach the gospel of Christ and bear record of his kingdom. Had it not been for that power we could not have performed the work. We have had to be sustained by the hand of God until to-day, and we shall be sustained until we get th[r]ough if we keep the command- ments of God, and if we do not we shall fall and the Lord will raise up other men to take our place. There- fore, I look upon it that we had a work assigned to us before we were born. With regard to the faithful leaders of this Church and kingdom, beginning with Joseph Smith, how many times have I heard men say in my travels—Why did God choose Joseph Smith, why did he choose that boy to open up this dispensation and lay the foundation of this Church? why didn't he choose some great man, such as Henry Ward Beecher? I have had but one an- swer in my life to give to such a ques- tion, namely, that the Lord Almigh- ty could not do anything with them, he could not humble them. They were not the class of men that were chosen for a work of this kind in any age of the world. The Lord Al- mighty chose the weak things of this world. He could handle them. He therefore chose Joseph Smith be- cause he was weak, and he had sense enough to know it. He had the ministration of angels out of heaven. He had also the ministra- tion of the Father and the Son, and of the holy men who once dwelt in the flesh. We have been obliged to acknowl- edge the hand of God. From out of the pit have we been dug. We have been taken from the plough, the bench, the various occupations of life, having limited knowledge of what the world calls learning. The Lord has called this class of men as elders, and inspired by the power of God they have gone forth and warn- ed the world, and those of this gen- eration who reject the testimony of these elders will be under condem- nation, for the elders will rise up in judgment and condemn them. The building up of this kingdom rests upon our shoulders—not upon the shoulders of Brother Taylor and the Twelve Apostles alone, but every man and every woman who has heard this gospel and gone into the waters of baptism will be held re- sponsible for the light and knowledge they received. This is my testimony to you to- day. You have got the kingdom of God here. It has grown and in- creased, and will continue to grow and increase. I look at this building; I look at the tabernacle here; I look at the temples that are being built; I see what is going on in the moun- tains of Israel, and I ask what is it? It is the work of God. I acknowledge his hand in it. This is the reason why we are inspired to build these temples. Why we labor to build them is because the day has come when they are needed. Joseph Smith went into the spirit world to unlock the prison doors in this dis- pensation or generation. He stayed here long enough to lay the founda- tion of this kingdom and obtain the keys belonging to it. The last time he ever met with the quorum of the Twelve was when he gave them their endowments, and when they left him he had a presentiment that it was the last time they would ever meet. He had something to do the other side of the vail. He had a thousand to preach to there where you and I have one in the flesh. And this is the great work of the last dispensation—the redemption of the living and the dead. We ought not, as elders of Israel, to treat lightly the blessings we enjoy. We ought not to treat lightly the holy priesthood, or attempt to use it for any other purpose under the whole heavens other than to build up the Zion of God. The counsel that has been given this forenoon upon this matter we should lay to heart. The eyes of all the heavenly hosts are over this people. They are watching us with the deepest anxiety. They understand things better than we do, for our vail is our bodies, and when our spirits leave them we will not have a great way to get into the spirit world. They know the warfare we have with wicked spirits and with a wicked world, but what encouragement we have when we read the revelations! We live in a generation when the Lord has decreed that his kingdom shall be preserved. The prophets of every other dispensation have been called to seal their testimony with their blood. My faith is that those of this dispensation will not be called to do this. Joseph and Hyrum, it is true, were called to lay down their lives. Why? I believe myself it was necessary to seal a dispensation of this almighty magnitude with the blood of the testator for one thing, and for another thing the people were worthy that put him to death, and will have the bill to pay as the Jews had to pay for the blood of the Messiah; but as far as the leaders of this people and the people generally are concerned, I think the Lord intends we should live at peace. With regards to Brigham Young, we all know the disposition there was on the part of his enemies to take his life. I never believed, however, that he would die a violent death. Neither do I believe that we shall be required to go forth and stain our swords in the blood of our fellow men in our defense. It has been decreed that the wicked shall slay the wicked. Now, I give you my views regarding these things. I speak the sentiments of my own heart and what I believe. The judg- ments of our God will be poured forth, but the elders of Israel will not be called upon to slay the wicked. The wicked will slay the wicked. [Psalms 34:21] When I read the Bible, the Book of Mormon and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, I feel that it is with us as with the generation that lived in the days of Ezekiel. In those days the Lord told the prophet to tell the people that what he said he meant to fulfil. [Ezekial 12:25] And so it is in the day and age in which we live. All things will be fulfilled. The judg- ments of Almighty God will be poured out upon the wicked. The harvest is ripe, and I know the farmer has got to cut his crops when they are ripe, otherwise they will go back into the ground and rot. When I see the wickedness and abomination that prevail in Babylon, covering the earth, as it were, like a mighty sea—when I see these things I feel to ask myself the question, how long can these sins rise up in the sight of heaven and not have their reward? In my own mind I can see a change at our door. In the face of the revelations I cannot see how it can be otherwise. The signs of heaven and earth all indi- cate the near coming of the Son of Man. You read the 9th, 10th and 11th chapters of the last Book of Nephi, and see what the Lord has said will take place in this genera- tion, when the gospel of Christ has again been offered to the inhabitants of the earth. The Lord did not re- veal the day of the coming of the Son of Man, but he revealed the generation. [Doctrine and Covenants 63:53] That generation is upon us. The signs of heaven and earth predict the fulfilment of these things, and they will come to pass. Therefore, let us try to live our re- ligion. We have the kingdom of God. There is no question about this. There was none with Joseph Smith when the angels of God min- istered unto him, and we had a liv- ing testimony of this work from that day to this. What is the greatest testimony any man or woman can have as to this being the work of God? I will tell you what is the greatest testimony I have ever had, the most sure testimony, that is the testimony of the Holy Ghost, the testimony of the Father and the Son. We may have the ministration of angels; we may be wrapt in the visions of heaven—these things as testimonies are very good, but when you receive the Holy Ghost, when you receive the testimony of the Father and the Son, it is a true prin- ciple to every man on earth, it de- ceives no man, and by that princi-
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
4. July Sunday 3. I Met in a quarterly Conference at 10 oclok in the Assembly room Joseph E Taylor opened by prayer Minuts and statistics read 9 Men recommended to be ordaind Elders
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
The Authorities of the Church were presented & sustained Home Missionaries called, Joseph E Taylor spoke 16 M[inutes]. president John Taylor 15 W Woodruff 30 M[inutes] Elias Smith 15 M[inutes]. I Met in the evening with the combined companies of Mutual Improvement, Female Relief Society & primary, in the Assembly room And the reports of those societies Herd & speeches Made

Jul 3, 1880