April [October] 6, 1881 We met in general conference The Twelve
Apostles met the met the Body of Orson Pratt at the
west gate & carried it in from of[f] the stand in the
Big Tabernacle The conf[er]ence comm[enc]ed at 10 oclok F D Richards prayed
President Taylor spoke a few munites. W Woodruff made a few
remarks and the Meeting dismissed atuntill 1 oclok
The corps was then placed in position to be seen by the public
for two hours untill 1 oclok which was seen by many
thousands at 1 oclok the Meeting opened by Prayer by J F
Smith, after which W. Woodruff arose & read the revelation
given through Joseph Smith to Orson Pratt Nov 4, 1830 Sec 34, D & C
W Woodruff then said if I were to utter my
thoughts aloud I would say 'O God the Eternal Father we ask thee in the name
of thy Son Jesus Christ, to give unto us grace, to give unto us power, to give
unto us faith, to give unto us inspiration, as the servants of the Lord that what
time we may spend of these precious moments before this vast Assem-
bly that we may satisfy ourselves, that we may satisfy our friend.
But O my soul when I think of this Eternal & immortal spirit that
is chained up in these chains of mortality, that while the soul of
man pants to mingle with those Eternal principles and Eternal intel-
ligences which dwell around the throne of God and the Lamb, still we are
confined here, limited, with all the inspirations we can get. sometimes
I feel when I realize these things it would be a relief if I could break
these bands as Brother Orson Pratt has done and open my Eyes in the
spirit world and partake of the glory and blessings that await that man
but then again we must submit. we should be patient. we should be
satisfied in regard to our condition on the Earth, in our Mortal
state. it will last but a vary little while. Now the few moments we
have to spend with yoo Brethren & sisters in speaking upon this
occasion, what can we do. what do you expect we are going to give
you a history of Orson Pratt. If we had a month with all the
inspiration we could get from God in our mortal state we could not
tell you the one thousandth part of the Glory, the exaltation, the power,
the blessings and the Kingdoms, thrones and principalites that await
that man, and Every other Man that has kept the same Law. we cannot
do it. No Eye hath seen, no Ear hath [heard] neither hath it Entered into the
heart of man to conceive the glories that await the saints of the
living God. [1 Corinthians 2:9] Now while I spent a few moments in talking
to the living I also Expect to refer to the dead, but it will take the
trump of the sixth angel to sound to reveal the history of Orson
Pratt to an assembled world. You cannot do it. I cannot do
it. it is not in our power There are a great many things
concerning Br Pratt that have not been written and never will be
on this side of the veil. They are however recorded on the
other side of the veil. he will meet his history there. I have
been associated with Br Pratt, a good many years. The first
sermon I ever herd him preach was in Aprail 1834, in a house
in Kirtland. it was there I listened to the first Testimony I ever
heard from him also from Brigham Young, Oliver Cowdry
Hyram Smith & Joseph Smith the Prophet and one or two
others. I was associated with him then for this was Just before
we started in Zions Camp for Missouri. Their are a few members
of Zions Camp here to day. Their is a small remnant of them left
All those brethren who were in the camp, our travelling a thousand
miles led by a prophet of God will remember the scenes we
were called upon to pass through we were visited by the cholera
The first circumstance of the kind that we as a company ever
experience. Br Orson Pratt whose body lies before us lay at the
point of Death as also George A Smith and a number of others
while some twenty of the Brethren were laid in the grave. The
Lord took whom he would take, and preserved those whom He
would preserve according to the council of his own will No man
could pass through a much worse sickness than the cholera. men
weighing near towo hundred pounds were reduced to seventy
or one hundred pounds in a vary short time. Br Pratt as I
have said lay at the point of death, yet during his sickness he
manifested that indomitable determination that has governed
his whole life from that day to this. while death as it were sought
to overcome him, he rolled over upon his back closed his eyes
clasped his teeth and shut his hands and apparently said
now death do your worst I deyfy you for in the name of Israels
God I am going to live. In the name of Jesus Christ I
am going to stand in the flesh and bear my testimony
of the Gospel of Christ to the Nations of the Earth That was
about the way he acted from that moment he began to recover
and He has lived with us since that day forty seven years
His history is before you. it is before the world as far as written
as far as we can obtain it. Bro Orson Pratt has lived in
this Church longer than any other man who has been in it
Perhaps He has lived longer in it than vary few men ever
will live in the Church and Kingdom of God in the flesh
He has crossed the Atlantic Ocean sixteen times And has
travelled more miles than any other man in the Church. He
has preached more sermons. He has brought many thousands
into the Church. He had this revelation given to him which
I have read in your hearing [Doctrine and Covenants 34] he has lifted up his voice long &
loud. He has declaired the words of life and salvation to this
generation. his garments are clean from the blood of the
inhabitants of the Earth and his testimony will rise against
this generation to condemn them. I believe there is no man
living, I do not say it is so but give it as my belief that there
is no man living to day in the whole gentile world that has
accumulated By hard study and labor without the assistance of
teachers the same amount of mathematical, philosphical and Astrionom-
ical Knowledge that Br Orson Pratt obtained. He has probably published
and written more upon science, astronomy, mathematics and upon
the gospel of Christ than any other man in our Church if not in the
United States He has done a great work. He has done a good work
^Continued on page Dec 31, 1881^
Lorenzo Snow followed W Woodruff and spoke 20 M[inutes].
F D Richards spoke 20 M John Taylor 28 M Then G Q Cannon
spoke 30 Minutes on the Death & Burial of F. L. Young
At the close of the services The Twelve Apostles acted as
Bearers & conveyed the Body to the Hears viz W Woodruff
L Snow F D Richards F. M. Lyman, John Henry Smith &
D. H. Wells there was a large p[r]ossession of carriges followed
the Body to the Grave
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sometimes I feel when I realize these things it would be a relief if I could break these bands as Brother Orson Pratt has done and open my Eyes in the spirit world and partake of the glory and blessings that await that man but then again we must submit, we should be patient, we should be satisfied in regard to our condition on the Earth, in our Mortal state, it will last but a vary little while.
Their are a few members of Zions Camp here to day. Their is a small remnant of them left All those brethren who were in the camp, our travelling a thousand miles led by a Prophet of God will remember the scenes we were called upon to pass through we were visited by the Cholera The first circumstance of the kind that we as a company ever experience. Br Orson Pratt whose body lies before us lay at the point of Death as also George A Smith and a number of others while some twenty of the Brethren were laid in the grave. The Lord took whom he would take, and preserved those whom He would preserve according to the council of his own will No man could pass through a much worse sickness than the Cholera, men weighing near two hundred pounds were reduced to seventy or one hundred pounds in a vary short time.
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