Orson Pratt
Died Oct 3 1881
at 8:40 MAM
Aged 70 year
Oct 3, 1881 I called at the house of Orson Pratt at
8:40, and he had just breathed his last Thus by
his death we loose the last man that was organized in the
first quorum of the Twelve Apostles at least who are in the
Church. I think that Wm Smith, Wm E McLellin &
John Boyanton are still living, but all out of the Chuch
Elder Orson Pratt has been in the Church the longest
of any man that has Ever lived in it up to the present time
He has traveled more miles in the ministry than any other
Man has crossed the Atlantic 16 times He was a self made man
Orso Pratt had obtained through his own Exertion
without the aid of teachers, more Mathimatical Philo-
logical and Astrological Knowledge probably than
any other man in this generation Orson Pratt was born
in Hartford, Washington County new Yow Yoork sept 19
1811, was baptized sept 19, 1830 on his birth day being 19 years
was ordained an Elder Dec 1, 1830. He was ordained a
High Priest Feb 2, 1832. He was a Member of Zions Camp
in the spring of 1834 And came near dying with the
cholera at our arival in Clay County Mo. He was
ordained into the first Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
on the 26 day of April 1835 under the hands of David
Whitmore & Oliver Cowdery He was a Member of the
Utah Legislator for Many years, and speaker of the House
and done a great deal of publishing in his day and
Died at 8:35 on the morning of Oct 3, 1881 Aged 70 years
and 16 days and awaits a glorious reserrection for
further particulars see Deseret News Oct 3, 1881
This has been a singular Day Soon after Orson
Pratt Died, one of his wives Judiuliett Pratts Barn
took fire & burned up with all its contents. Milando
Pratt had a large Mirror hanging in his house fall &
mashed to peaces On our arival at President Taylors
office we received a Telegram from Moses Thatcher saying
that Elder Feramorez L Young Died of Typhoid fever on
Tuesday night at 11 oclok [blank] day o[f] [blank] 100 miles out from
Havannah and buried at sea. this was a vary heavy blow
to the Mother & family We had just got through with this
[when] word came to me that a man by the name of Pullen had
fallen from the temple wall in a gale of wind I went to
see him I found him badly mashed up & he died in about
an hour I made arangments for him to be laid out in a
coffen & sent to his family in south bountiful I
went to the coop & got materials to lay out Br Orson
Pratt the Bill was $18.650 and I got order for the
family amounting to $234.40 Total $252.90
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