Day in the Life

Oct 18, 1881

Journal Entry

October 18, 1881 ~ Tuesday

18 I was some better to day but quite weak I spent the day mostly reading

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Letter from John Solomon Fullmer, 18 October 1881
President Woodruff. Dear Sir. Some few days since, Bro. C. H. Wheelock called on me stating that you wished him to collect such items relative to the incarceration and assassination of Joseph Smith the Prophet and his brother Hiram the Patriarch, as would be interesting to future generations, and gleaned from those who accompanied them during the last few days of their impriso^n^ment in the Carthage Jail. And having had the privilege of remaining with them nearly the entire time of their incarceration, I feel called upon to state such facts as came under my own obser- vation, as briefly and in as compact a shape as, in my judgement, would make them both interesting and in- telligable to the future reader: Bro. Wheelock having gone some days ago; upon consideration, therefore, I concluded to direct my statement to you in person, where it would be safely preserved until wanted By way of preface, I will begin my narative by stating, that although I had been with the Prophet a great deal since my first acquaintance with him; was in his company and employ, in his office and in his store over a year, and acted also at times as his private secre- tary, ^but^ at the time of his going with Hiram to Carthage to deliver themselves up for trial, I was at my farm some four miles from Nauvoo with my family, and did not hear of his movement for a day or so until Tuesday morning the


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Oct 18, 1881