Day in the Life

Jun 22, 1887

Journal Entry

June 22, 1887 ~ Wednesday

June 22, 1887
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 9 Letters to Jaques, Emma, Clara, Ovando, Leslie
Sarah, Bell, Mary, & Jesse Moses I received 7 Letters 2 from
^ A folded letter/box^ Jaques 2 from Hall, Lucy W, David P. W, & Wm Paxman. I
Learned that A. M. Musser was doing all He could to Break up Hall
and the valley House Charles Wm Bennett was adopted to W Woodruff


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Musser, Amos Milton
20 May 1830 - 24 Sep 1909
Bennett, Charles William
25 Jan 1838 - 18 Jan 1921
Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
419 mentions
Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
228 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions
Hall, Hubert Lester
22 Feb 1858 - 27 May 1930
Moses, Jesse Tilton, b. 1848
9 May 1848 - 26 Feb 1928
118 mentions
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Snow, Leslie Woodruff
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
181 mentions
Smith, Lucy Emily Woodruff
10 Jan 1869 - 5 Nov 1937
66 mentions
Woodruff, Mary, b. 1867
26 Oct 1867 - 15 Feb 1903
170 mentions
Beebe, Ovando Collins
14 May 1867 - 27 Dec 1928
194 mentions
Moses, Phoebe Arabell Woodruff
30 May 1859 - 7 Sep 1939
167 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter to Emma Smith Woodruff, 22 June 1887

L. D. S. Historian's Office, P. O. BOX 321, Salt Lake City, Utah, 188 Mrs Emma My Dear Love I have just put on a clean besom & coller a Light sumer coat and brushed up my Hair & bet beard so as to be somewhat presentable to Meet a Lady & as I seldom have a Gentleman or Lady visit me I thought I would prepare a Little for the Lady is Brother A M Tenney Wife with whom I stayed in Arizona and who was a Neighbor to Sister Catherine Romney at St Johns Brother Tenney is Bringing his wife this Afternoon to visit Sister Cottam. she does not know that I am in the County and to meet me will be a surprise to her. Now I have said enough upon that subject I got your Letter of the 26, and Owens And I was perfectly asshured at his & Blanches Charts I see he is a head of Blanch in most all the studies I see Owen is 10 in 4 and 9 & 9 1/2 in all the rest except Penmanship which is the same as Blanch 7 1/2. I am proud of the Boy they have both done well Owen must have improved much in reading as He is 9 1/2 in that I am certainly vary thankful that they are doing so well Owen says thare is not a good pen

Letter to Ovando Collins Beebe, 22 June 1887

Salt Lake City, Utah, My Dear Ovando I arrived last night to my chamber from a Journey in the Mountains of 5 days I went to get some cold water and to katch some fish and have an out whare it was cold Well I drank a good Deal of cold water & caught 50 trout and got a fish hook half through the Ball of my thumb and Next day into one of my fingers had to have them cut out with a jack knife in both instances which was not a pleasing sensation I have fished all my life from boyhood up as I had an opportunity and it was the first time in my life I ever got a fish hook in my flesh to hook me it was done by crawling through [thick] bush giting my line caught and while puling on the line when it gave way the sudden just, sent, the hook into my hand but I done up my fingers in spurts of [lumper line] and all is well now when I came to my room I found your letter of June 13 and your likeness you ask my opinion of it I will say it is a good picture I cannot say whether it looks like you or not I can tell when I see you I expt it is a good likeness I wrote you a few days since & sent you a Blank recommend to be filled up

Letter to Clara Martisha Woodruff Beebe, 22 June 1887

Salt Lake City, Utah, My Dear Clara, I arived home to my chamber last night after a Journey in the Mountains for 5 days where I could get some cold water & kietch a few fish Well I drank a good Deal of cold water, caught 50 trout, and I caught 2 things to much that I had not bargened for. On Monday while cralling through thick brush my hook caught in a stick and when it gave way the hook caught in the Ball of my thumb and went nearly half through it, and I had No way to get it out ownly for Brother Thompson to cut it out with a Jack knife Well I think it hurt me, but I went to fishing ^and^ next morning and ^I^ caught the same hook in the same way in one of my fingers. Brother Thompson cut that out, it was the first time in my Life with all my fishing that I Ever got a hook in my flesh to hurt me. I done my fingers & Thumb up in Terpentine and it is all right now. when I got to my Room last night I found your Letter of June 15 awaiting me which I Read with interest I also had a Letter from Bell & Mary at Smithfield Sarah was with Sylvia at Liberty. Bell is in vary Bad conditions Will not Live long if she does not get a change can hardly sit up at all, lost most of her flesh & strength, can hardly move her hands or feet suffers a great deal of pain, suffering universal female weakness &c &c

Personal - Notebook, 1883-1898

Allister]] in st George Temple Sylvia M Thompson Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford, as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, becomes the leader of the Church.

Jun 22, 1887