Day in the Life

Jun 23, 1887

Journal Entry

June 23, 1887 ~ Thursday

23 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 Letters to day to Joseph F. Spight {Told him of it.}
wrote to Jaques, Hall, Dinwoody & Schettler


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Letter to Joseph Fielding Smith, 23 June 1887
Salt Lake City, Utah, Joseph F Spight Beloved Brother Your vary inter- esting Letter of May 27, reached me in good time and I have read it with a great deal of interest I take much pleasure in reading the products of your pen Now concerning your Name we addressed in my Letters I go by the name you sign as I suppose you are addressed in that Name that is the reason I direct as I do I am Addressed as Lewis Allen for if I was addressed as is, I dont know whether I would get the Letters or not Now as to news I dont know or I have much ownly what you got though the press I intended my last letter to the Box 410. I have that address I am vary thankful to learn that your health is measurably restored My health still holds quite good for an old man and all things con- sidered I spent 5 days last week in the Mountains whare I could get some cold water & ketch some fish well I drank a good Deal of cold water and caught 50 trout And through an accident I got a fish hook into the Ball of my thumb and into one of my
Letter from George Teasdale, 23 June 1887
My beloved brother: It will never do to neglect you so I joyfully take up my pen to answer your very kind and welcome favor of the 31st ult. We have had quite a busy time in the office of late. There [c]ame to these shores a party of about fifty Miss [i]onaries and some visitors Bro R. S. Camp- [b]ell and myself went to Queenstown and got [o]n board the Ship Wisconsin where we met the Missionaries and some lady passengers. oOne [o]f them had a black eyed little girl with her. We had one of the most delightful runs from Queenstown to Liverpool ever made the [s]ea was like a lake, and the weather so [c]lear we had a good view of land and [e]njoyed the trip splendid. After the mission- [a]ries had been appointed and distributed in [t]heir various fields of labor, we had to get [o]ff another company of Saints for Zion. We [h]ad sent the 3rd Company on the 4th of June [I]n that company there were 142 Scandinavians [3]3 British and 14 returning Elders. On the 18th [o]f June the British Company left 105 Emigrants and 6 Elders. We divided these companies to make it better for them to travel up to Norfolk [I]n the midst of this business we had an


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford, as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, becomes the leader of the Church.

Jun 23, 1887