Day in the Life

Jul 9, 1888

Journal Entry

July 09, 1888 ~ Monday

9 Keys crossed A crown I went to the Gordo in the Morning Met with several
Banking Men Then Met with the State Board of Education
Then Met with the Board of Zions savings Bank ^ An arrow^ we closed our
U. S. suit with Peters & Dyer. I signed a Note for $157,666.15

This Note which I signed had to be paid by the 1 Sept
This Law of Congress, to take all the property of the
Church of Jesus Churchrist of Latter Day Saints is
the most ungodly, and unconstitutional Law
ever enacted by any Congress since the foundation
of the American Government. The following is the list
of the property takeingen by the receiver

Gass stock $80000
Interest on the same 1600
Street Rail Road stock and interest 51000
Constitutional Property 36241.15
Wells Lot 42925
Provo stock coop 22000
30000 sheep at $2. $60000
Alfales Young Lot 5500
Personal Property &c 75000
Deseret Telegraph 22500
Church Farms Estimated By Dyer 150000
Coal Mine 100000
Total of Property Taken $646,766.15
^Also the Theater^ ^25000^
[Total] $671,766

Thus the United States Government has taken from
the Latter Day Saints the Above sum under the Law
created By Senators Edmunds & Tucker. It has been
a hard peace of work to form this settlement with
Peters & Dyer. Besides holding the 3 Meetings to day
& consulting with the Lawyiers and settling with
the Government I singned 42 Recommends I received
31 Letters & wrote to Phebe & Susan & sent her $20.


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Letter to William Bernard Dougall, 9 July 1888
9 July [188]8 Elder William B. Dougall, Sec. Salt Lake Stake Board of Education. Dear Brother: At a meeting of the Church Board of Education held this day, on motion, consent of that body was given to the Salt Lake Stake Board to engage Bro. James E. Talmage as the principal of its Institution, if arrangements can be made that will be mutually agreeable to the parties interested. If you desire us to advise him of this, please inform me. Your Brother in the Gospel, Wilford Woodruff
Letter to the Sanpete Stake Presidency, 9 July 1888
To the Presidency of the Sanpete Stake of Zion: Dear Brethren—At a meeting of the Church Board of Education held this day it was, on motion, unanimously decided that it was the judgment of the Board that all denominational schools of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints which may be contemplated in any of the Stakes of Zion shall be in complete harmony with institutions of the same character already existing, and be under the sanction of the Church Boards of Education in the various Stakes. The above action was taken by reason of statements made to the Board that it appeared to be the intention in some places where Church schools already exist to supplement them with other Church institutions, under the direc- tion of the Stake Boards. Whenever such additional schools are needed, and it is deemed wise by the Stake Boards to establish them, they should be in harmonny with existing instituitions, and conducted in a way to best promote the objects we have in view in founding institutions of this character. Certainly there should be nothing like rivalry or division in the founding and in the management of our Church schools. Very respectfully, Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff President of the Church Board of Education.
Letter from Benjamin Franklin Cummings Jr., 9 July 1888
President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: For several years I have devoted more or less time to collecting and compiling genealogies, and if it meets your approval, I would like to make arrangements to pros- ecute this work on a more extensive scale than heretofore. My plan is to purchase as many books on the subject of genealogy, or relating thereto, as I can, and in time collect a good library of such works. In connection with this library I would conduct an agency or bureau through which the Saints who might desire to patronize it might obtain the records of their ancestry. I already have a library of genealogical works which has cost sev- eral hundred dollars, and which comprises a good foundation for such a one as I would like to collect. Brother D. J. Williams of the Fif- teenth Ward, who is my brother-in-law, is interested in the plan with me, and if agreeable to you he will go east shortly to purchase books, and search records for a number of families who desire their ancestry traced. My own time in^s^ pretty well occupied with my labors on the "News," and it is my desire to at once relieve myself and put the library I have already collected to the best use, by employing him, and perhaps others, to do the work of compiling genealogies which is steadily growing on my hands, and has necessitated my working late evenings,


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.
Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Jul 9, 1888