Day in the Life

Mar 2, 1889

Journal Entry

March 02, 1889 ~ Saturday

2 A hand pointing to the right I signed 8 public Letters and spent the day at the House

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Letter from William Henry Young, 2 March 1889
Salt Lake City, Utah, Pre W. Woodrooff Pr of C of G. C. of L. D. S. Dear Br I send you this to let you know, I am now Running a tanning wich with Br. on a Larg Skal, & Stove & mutton shop all so & Shave Shop, & there is now a Branch of the Saints as got Land out there that as no Homes, But uou mak one there & get work there from $1.50 to 3.50 Pr day. with your help, me or [crime] me to get moor famelys out there it is 6 miles from City & let me know wat you thinck of it for you know it laber that is wanted Here is for the [Possere] I Remains Your Br in Gospel of Peace. W. H. Young 259. F. St. 20 ward, City
Letter to George Chandler Parkinson, 2 March 1889
President Geo. C. Parkinson, Franklin. Dear Brother: Yesterday the General Board of Education met for the first time since the receipt of your favor of Oct. 16th last. In that communication you make enquiry whether the members of your Stake Board of Education may be permitted to draw any compensation for their services. The subject was carefully considered by the Board at its meeting yesterday, and it was decided that in the present crippled condition of the finances of the Church it would not be proper to pay the brethren for acting in this position. If there are any in straitened circumstances belonging to your Board, who live at a distance from its place of meeting, we trust the Bishops and people of their Wards will be public-spirited enough to see that their traveling expenses are paid when engaged in the duties of this office. With kindest regards, Your Brother, W. Woodruff President Church Board of Education.
Letter to Karl Gottfried Maeser, 2 March 1889
Salt Lake City, . Elder Karl G. Maeser. General Supt. Church Board of Education Dear Brother: We deem it advisable that you should visit at an early day the Church Academies at Salt Lake, Ogden, Brigham City and Logan, and suggest that you make this trip during the week commencing on 24th inst. You can, doubtless, so arrange that no interest of the B. Y. Academy will suffer by this short absence. With Kindest regards, Your Brother, W. Woodruff Prest. General Board of Education.


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Mar 2, 1889