March 1, 1889
Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 82 Years
May God preserve
me to finish my
Emma Smith Woodruff
Born 1838 March 1
Aged 51 Years
God Bless her to
council my
March 1, 1889 This is my Birth day I gathered
together My family At Emmas at the farm House.
I had of Emmas children Asahel & wife Naoma and daughter
Roxey, And Clara & Husband Ovando Beebe & daughter
Vedi, And Wilford & wife Julia & son Elias and also
Baby, and Bulah and Daughter Ellen And Emmas
son Owen & Daughters Blanch & Allice And Delight
& son Marion wife & child & Emeline Husband &
child Wilford, and Ensign and John, & Julia
& James & Daughter I had 67 sons and 5 daughters
present and 68 grand children I also had G Q Cannon
Br ^C^ Wilken & John Galager Also the Salt Lake glee
club who came to serenade me and Many other friends
we staid untill 1 oclok and had a Joyous time I recd
several presents A nice Morning gown By A. C Brixon
and presents from friends
I receivd the following Present from John Galager
A vary nice cake with the following Motto
To President Wilford Woodruff, Four score & tow [two] long
long Eyears have fled in work for Zions cause on
Earth. This day we greet our Honored head
to show our love and tell his worth. We pray that
Heaven may long Extend your life to testify,
unmoved. Then with your family in the End
find welcome By the Gods Approvd
This was one of the Most satisfactory Birth day
Meetings I Ever had we had a vary interesting time we had
a Quire of singing we went to bed at abot 2 oclok
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