Day in the Life

Mar 28, 1889

Journal Entry

March 28, 1889 ~ Thursday

28 A hand pointing to the right I signed 31 Recommends I received ^14^ Letters I wrote
9 Public Letters I had a great deal of company through
the day I went to the farm & spent the night 6 Miles


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Letter from Elijah A. Box, 28 March 1889
Elijah Box Utah Penitentiary Rcd Mar 30 [18]89 Ans April 15 [18]89 [end of sideways text] Utah Penitentiary, Mar. 28, 1889. Pres. Woodruff, Dear Bro, In conversation with Bro. Lyman, he advised me to write you in regard to my affairs and of which I make the following statement: When I was arrested in 1886 for cohabitation, being very much averse to the idea of going to the Pen. I made a covenant with the Lord that if He would so control matters as to prevent my conviction, I would pay to the church (over and above my regular tithes and offerings) two hundred (200) Dollars a year for three years. I kept my covenant during 1887 and 1888 paying the 200 dollars each year, nand did not diminish from my tithes and donations of previous years, although I was to considerable trouble and a great deal of expense through this persecution. It is evident the Lord did not see fit to view things in the light I hoped He would, of which
Letter from James Benjamin Walkley, 28 March 1889
Logan, Utah, Dear Brother Having heard that you are thinking about calling the Elders from England I thought I would like to send a small donation to be used for the distribution of Tracts in London which I hope will be of benefit to those seeking salvation. I hope I am mistaken in what I have heard. I am Yours Respectfully J B Walkley a brother in the gospel


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Mar 28, 1889