Day in the Life

Mar 29, 1889

Journal Entry

March 29, 1889 ~ Friday

March 29, 1889
I spent the day at the farm Ploughing & planting out
small fruit we also cleaned out our spring I had several
callers amoung the Number Ephraim Hanks


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April 5, 1889 ~ Friday 5th April 11 of the Twelve Apostles met in Council [FIGURES] and we organized the first Presidency By Apointing Wilford Woodruff President & George Q Cannon & Joseph F Smith Councillers
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Frances Charles Mickelson, 29 March 1889

Redmond President Woodruff Dear Brother; With regard to the call made of me, to fill a mission to Skandinavia, I am sorrow to say, that I have had some disapointments in geting money to go with, and as such is the case, I would ask to be released until fall, if it so meets your mind. I have sold Propperty to go for, but failed to get the means in time for me to go now. I shall however prepare to ^go^ in the fall, if you will again specify the time. Your Brother in the Gosple F. C. Mickelson Give him time. L J n

Letter from Frances Charles Mickelson, 29 March 1889

F. C. Mickelson Redmond

Letter from Joseph Smith III, 29 March 1889

San Bernardino, Cal. Pres Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake, Utah; Is the "Historical Record," hitherto published, and now being published in Your city by Eld Andrew Jensen, en- dorsed by You? aAnd are the statements made in that periodical sanctioned by You? Are those statements alleged as facts in said "Historical Record" un- derstood and endorsed by you? In short, do you and your fellow church officials understand and accept and endorse Andrew Jensen as ^an^ accredited historian, and the "Historical Record," as the History of the church, over which You preside? Please pardon my addressing these questions to you; but I have good reasons for asking them of You. Yours Respectfully Joseph Smith Address me here, call box 695, or Lamoni, Iowa.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

CW Bannet Dr to Cash 20 00


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Mar 29, 1889