Day in the Life

Jun 12, 1889

Journal Entry

June 12, 1889 ~ Wednesday

12 Brothe George Q called upon me in the Morning
I am still quite poorly


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions

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Letter from John Edge Booth, 12 June 1889

Provo City, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Dear Bro! Your letter of the 8th inst. was received at my office this morning but I was away and could not answer it before the mail left and I now take the first opportunity of doing it after reading it. I have always held myself willing to respond to any call from the proper authority since I have understood my duties as an Elder in the church, but as you kindly ask if I can go on a misson convenently I will make the following explanation and you may then arrive at such conclusion as you find proper

Letter from L. A. Wilson, 12 June 1889

Provo City, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Your letter of the 8th instant is just received. Brother Booth is at Scipio at present and will be home abut next Saturday. You will therefore know the cause of delay in answering. Very respectfully, L. A. Wilson.

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 12 June 1889

Provo City, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, In conformity with Circular No. 4, and given Notice of the Secretary of the General Board of Education, the three appointed Examiners met with the Graduates for Normal Certificates, at the B. Y. Academy, Provo, Monday, May 27, at 9 A.M. Sixteen, that is 14 gentlemen, and 2 ladies, reported. There were two more who had previously announced their in- tention to graduate, but one was taken ill, and the other was prevented from attending by a death in the family. It had been decided by the Board of Examiners to have the first three days devoted to the written examination, and the questions, (copies of which are herewith enclosed to be placed on file by the Secretary G. B. S.,) which had been previously submitted by each one of us to the Board of Examiners for approval, were placed successively on the Blackboard, and were worked out by the Graduates under my own supervision. Every answer received its percentage, the total of the whole set making the total of efficiency in that respective branch together them with the total in the practical and oral examination in the same study. A Graduate considering himself as

Letter from Edwin John Longhurst, 12 June 1889

Vernal Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother i recived your welcome letter and was I supprised to now that I am called as a a mishi misson ary to great Britain i will go and do the best i can I have no means as yet but hope to have by that time i feel weak at this time but Dare not refuse as i am an Elder and wish to magnify my calling yours truly Edwin Longhurst Bp Nathan Hunting OK L J n

Jun 12, 1889