Day in the Life

Jun 14, 1889

Journal Entry

June 14, 1889 ~ Friday

13 ^ An arrow^ G Q Cannon & J F Smith & several of the Twelve had a Meeting
with the city council & others upon the water question there came
near being a war among the Latter Day Saints about the
water going to Law & going to shooting Each other I councilled
a Meeting among them and they met yesterday and to day
which has calmed the Elements considerable I spent the
day at the House

14 I went to the office for the first time for 9 days I found
all well I signed 15 Recommends I received 12 Letters
I went to the farm & spent the night 6 Mils


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4143 mentions


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Letter from Albert Spencer, 14 June 1889

Taylorsville, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff; Dear Brother; Yours of June 7 came to hand last Wednesday. As I believe it my duty to respond to every call made upon me, I will say that I will accept the mission to the Netherlands and will be ready to take my departure from the City Aug. 14. Your Brother in the Gospel, Albert Spencer Samuel Bennion Bishop

Letter from Robert Henderson Hodge, 14 June 1889

Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother Yours of the 11th received stating that my name had been suggested to accept a Mission to Great Britain to start from this City Wednesday 14thAug 1889. I was very much pleased and also thankfull to think I am counted worthy of such an honuorable calling and by the help of God will try and fullfill it to the best of my ability. Your Bro in the Gospel Robert H. Hodge F Kesler Bishop O.K. L J n

Letter from Frans Sigelson Fernstrom, 14 June 1889

Salt Lake City, President Wildord Woodruff Dear Brother. I have received your letter of the 27 ult. inquiring as to regard my feelings and circum- stances for going on a mission to Scandinavia. I should only be too glad and deem an honor to respond to the call, and have been trying to make arrangements to that effect, hence the delay. These are my circumstances: I have a wife and six minor children. The business I am en- gaged in is publishing the "Swe-

Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, 14 June 1889

President Wilford Woodruff S L City My Dear Sir, I have the pleasure to report that the work of translating the Book of Mormon into the Jewish language, which was commenced by brother Edward Isaacson on or about the 4th of May 1888, is now stated by him to be complete. He delivered to me the last sheets on Saturday the 8th of this month, and said it was as well and correctly done as he was capable of doing it considering his limited acquaintance with the English language. To make the best of this work possible within my power, Brother Morris Behrman has assisted me to revise the work by reading the translation to me in English, by which means we were enabled to make fre- quent corrections, but I think the work must have a much more careful and thorough revision than we are capable of giving it before I could consent to its publication The translation occupies a thousand pages of knickerbocker tablet paper and has the appearance of being tolerably well written. The amount paid br Edward Isaacson for

Jun 14, 1889