Day in the Life

Sep 29, 1889

Journal Entry

September 29, 1889 ~ Sunday

29 Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle prayer
By A Stainer. Brigham Henry Roberts spoke one
hour upon his imprisionment & 800 others and the
principle upon which they were imprisioned He spoke
upon the organization of the American government
and the Effect it was having upon the European
governments He spoke of the wars G Q Cannon spok 10 M[inutes]


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2294 mentions


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Letter from Herbert Horsley, 29 September 1889

President. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro In reply to yours of the 26th in regard to my going to Europe on a mission, will be on hand, and will do the best I can with the help of the Lord, to promulgate the gospel and build up the kingdom of god here on the earth. your Brother in the gospel Herbert Horsley D F Law Bp.

Letter from William Ogden, 29 September 1889

Richfield Pres Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Yours of the 23 inst informing me that I had been selected as a mission- ary to Great Britian is to hand, and contents fully noted In reply will say that I feel very incompetent to fill such a responsible calling, but trusting in the Lord for His aid I will be on hand at the date mentioned unless prevented by something which is now unforseen Your Brother in the Gospel William Ogden Paul Poulson Bp 1 Ward O.K. L. J. n.

Letter from James Amasa Little, 29 September 1889

President W. Woodruff. Dear Brother—I have, now going through the Press, a Book which I think will be entitled "From Kirtland to Salt Lake." It is a brief sketch of the journeys of the Saints. It dwells more fully on the Nauvoo Exodus and its termination in the Rocky Mountains, than on any other portion of their history. Inclosed is a copy of the Preface which will give some further explanations. As you are the only

Letter from Mary Effie Stuart Jones, 29 September 1889

Spring Hill, Montana, Presint. W. Woodroof. Salt Lak, Utah Deer Br I send you this letter, for you to see my tithing out of $2300 with Bsr Young, say I mus pay 10¢ on the doller [dollar] as He understands. & He want me to obe[y] the sam & all as cuvinent [convenient] him & I to pay the 10 on all my crop & as my mother is going to give me a Home Here all so a Hous & so as I am now promes my self to Be cealto Br Wm H. Young & he want to go as He left order for me to Do He says the man that can lead his one Hous cant lead no other mans Hous He for got the name of the Bishop of the 17 ward the Boot & Shoe maker will He sead send it to you & you See to it But to send it from my Hart & not from our lifes & as I am all a lone no Sants to see or speak to I ask you if you will councel me as my mother

Letter from George L. Farrell, 29 September 1889

Card Canada . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, My Dear Brother: I again seat myself to write a few lines and say that we are all enjoying excellent health, and also enjoying ourselves the very best kind considering our circumstances. we have had a very pleasant time the last three Days, as Dr. Wm Cox Allen the head officer of Customs for this western Country, has been here with us, and has felt very kindly towards us indeed. he came here for the purpose of meeting the Hon MacKenzie Bowell "Minister of Customs." allso the Dep. Minister, and the Secretary, "Captn Young," whom he expe[c]ted to meet here on Wednesday, but through having been delayed on the way they did not reach here untill last evening "Friday." They all stopped with Prest. Card, and after they had taken supper, I took some few of the young sisters over and serenaded them. they invited us in and we sang for them and they talked for us untill eleven O'C. P.M. they enjoyed the music very much, and in listening to some of our songs the Minister wept. They all were very sociable and kind and expressed themselves as being more than pleased with our labors. Said we have done a marvelous work in so short a time. This morning "Sat" Prest. Card and I hitched up and gave them a Buggy ride around our settlement, and showed them our fields and impr- ovements at which they were surprised and pleased


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Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.

Sep 29, 1889