Day in the Life

Sep 30, 1889

Journal Entry

September 30, 1889 ~ Monday

30 I went to the gordo & signed 29 Recommends
I received 20 Letters


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Letter from Israel Josiah West, 30 September 1889

Preston Idaho Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother yours of the 23rd came duly to hand. Would say that it is my utmost desire to respond to the ^call^ that is made of me to fill this Mission. and I except of it with all my heart. Have been using my utmost endevors to arrange matters so I would be able to leave at the time appointed. But oweing to the condition of my Biusiness, and having a large family of small children relying on me for suport I am afraid that It will be imposible to start as soon as 6th November next withoute leaving them entirely for some one to care for them. I will use my greatest efforts to get things in shape so I can leave soon as I posibly can. These are my circumstances as they are at present. Will continue trying and if I can so arrang things will be on hand at the time appointed. If not will try and be on hand next fall. Your Brother in the Gospell Israel J. West. W. C. Parkinson Bishop If he comes all right if not tell him to report himself when he is ready L N

Letter from Oliver Cowdery Dunford, 30 September 1889

President Wooduff. Dear Brother: Your communication, bearing date of the 10th inst, came to hand just eight days before the time of my intended departure for the east, to pursue the study of the law, in the university of Michigan. While, for several years, I have been planing for the accomplish- ment of this, the great desire of my heart; and had succeeded, finally, in surmounting every apparent ob- stacle of any consequence; had ob- tained the consent of all parties who were interested; had secured the financial requisites; and a free pass on the R.R. to Chicago, I feel like sacrificing all of these fond

Letter from J. B. Vogel, 30 September 1889

J. B. Vogel New Orleans Rcd Oct 7 [18]89. New Orleans Septbr 30th, 1889 Wilfried Woodruff Esq. Dear Sir! Although I am an agnostic I always had the greatest regard for the Mormon creed. I followed their actions in religious &as political th. i. civil matters, and thereir cooperative system to break down usury and trust^s^ th. i. monopoly has impressed ^in me^ the warmest feeling for them, regarding polygamy I don't see any wrong, in the contrary it prevents prostitution, but the Goverment does not see it in that light.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To half month rent 30 2 50 236 77 1/2 Sept 30 paid Cash 25 $261 77 1/2 Cr Br 6 1/2 Month work at $40 a Month $260 0 unpaid 1 77 1/2 Joseph Chapman Commd work


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Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.

Sep 30, 1889