Day in the Life

Oct 22, 1889

Journal Entry

October 22, 1889 ~ Tuesday

22nd This morning we found ourselves in timber,
soon after in a desert, took our meals on the car.
passed Pendleton, Umatilla Junction, the Dallers, down
the Columbia River and arrived at Portland at
7:40 pm. Capt. Willard Young met us. myself & wife
and Bro Cannon stopped at the Esmond House.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham Willard, b. 1852
30 Apr 1852 - 25 Jul 1936
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1039 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2295 mentions


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Letter from Angus Taylor Wright, 22 October 1889
President Wilford Woodruff and brethren of the Council. My Dearly beloved leaders. Your welcome letter of Aug. 22nd reached me a few days since, and our hearts were made to rejoice wh- ile perusing the inspired sentim- ents therein. The remittance for £30.4[s], also came by the same mail. We were much pleased to hear of the general health and good feeling existing among the saints. We were not surprised to hear of the continued and persistant efforts of ^our^ enemies for our dis- truction, for we realize that satan has ever been working in oppos-
Letter to David King Udall, John Bushman, F. G. Nielson, H. R. Bunk, and T. W. Brookbank, 22 October 1889
Salt Lake City John Bushman, F. G. Nielson, J. R. Burk, T. W. Brookbank D. K. Udall, Sunset United Order Committee St. Joseph Apache Co. Arizona Dear Brethren: The copy of report of your labors in the investigation of the affairs of the late United Order of Sunset, Apache Co. Arizo na, as per your labors appointm ment by Apostles Erastus Snow, Brigham Young, and George Teasdale and which appoint- ment was approved by the First
Letter from R. S. King Publishing House, 22 October 1889
San Francisco, . 188[9] Pres. Wilfred Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir:— We have your favor of the 19th and entend our thanks for your reply, and in return will present you with facts in the case of Mr. Nelson. About two years ago, Mr. Nelson began canvassing for us, on our work entitled "Maidenhood & Motherhood", agreeing to pay cash for all books as he needed them. When the time came for some of his delivery, he was short of funds and requested us to entrust him with some books, promising to remit us immediately as they were delivered. He sent us in money from time to time, and we shipped him other shipments of goods, as he always stated his deliveries were not completed, and that he had goods left on hand, to the amount of his indebtedness. While he may not have used exactly these words, that is the impression which we always received. Before leaving Salt Lake he gave us no intimation of his intentions, but it seems delivered all the books we had sent him, and not only used the profits, which of course rightly belonged to him, but appropriated our part of the money, collected on these goods. Now, we did not intend to sell him these goods ourtright, and trust him to pay for them, but consigned the goods to him, so that when he made a collection on a book, a certain portion of the money was ours, and he had no right whatever, to use it for any purpose excepting to pay us for the book delivered. We had no idea he was doing anything of the kind, but it seems he did, and there is still due us the sum of $51.27. This it seems to us places him in an uneviable light, if, as we believe, he is a preacher, for in all denominations we lokok to these men as setting an example in all their conduct. It may be possible that Mr. Nelson does not realize tjust what step he was taken, and con- sidered we loaned him the goods, and that he will pay the bill at some future time; but such is not the case. He was acting as our representative; the goods entrusted to him was ours, and a certain percentage of the money was ours, and he had no more right to use it, than a man who was working in a store would ^have to^ take some of the money from the till, and appropriate it to his use. These are the facts and we think it exceedingly strange that Mr. Nelson should have left Salt Lake without notifying us of his intention, or without first settling with us, either by returning us our goods or sending us the money. We have been lenient enough to think that he did not understand just what position he was placing him- self in, and there was no intention of dishonesty, but we certainly have allowed the matter ^to^ run until patience has ceased to be a virutue, and we have good reason to change our opinion.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.

Oct 22, 1889