Day in the Life

Oct 23, 1889

Journal Entry

October 23, 1889 ~ Wednesday

23rd after breakfast we took a drive, our party in
2 carriages, through the city, viewing the principle
buildings, residences and streets also the City Park
all of which were very pretty. roses & many other
flowers were in bloom. We nxext visited the Fair
where we stayed two or three hours, looking at
the fine exhibitions of mechanism, and art, products
& manufactures, &c of the State of Oregon. at 4 p.m.
we left the Exhibition and our party went to Capt.
Youngs, took dinner and spent the evening in a
pleasant manner. I wrote some letters this morning


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Young, Brigham Willard, b. 1852
30 Apr 1852 - 25 Jul 1936


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Letter from George Teasdale, 23 October 1889
[sideways text] . Geo Teasdale Liverpool Rec Nov 6 [18]89 Ans Nov 25 [18]89 [end sideways text] LATTER-DAY SAINTS', EUROPEAN PRINTING PUBLISHING AND EMIGRATION OFFICE. 42, Islington, Liverpool. October 23rd 1889. President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, U. T. My dear brother: On Sunday last I attended a Conference of the Saints in the Leeds Conference which was held at Dewsbury about 9 miles from Leeds. The Conference House is at Armley, two miles from Leeds. The only train we could use left Leeds at 6.45 a m So we had to walk from Armley to Leeds in the Early morning and it pouring down rain. We got wet, it was cold and cheerless. When we ar- rived at Dewsbury it was about 7.30, no Saints in the town and the Hall engaged from 10 a.m. SWe stayed in the waiting room until Prest Tuckett went to the Hall to Ascer- tain if we could find a shelter until 10 a. m as it was raining. It being Sunday morning and but few trains running there was no fire in the waiting room, we walked under the cover of the station on the platform to keep ourselves warm. Arrangements being made we went to the Hall a fine cConcert Hall capable of holding some thousand people, with side rooms for cloak & hat rooms &c. The Elders and Saints had taken a picnic, for all places of business were


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Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.

Oct 23, 1889