Day in the Life

Oct 12, 1891

Journal Entry

October 12, 1891 ~ Monday

12 I went to the Gardo & signed 59 Recommends
I received 30 Letters I signed 15 students
cirtificates I met with the 12 uppon the subject
of our going before the Masters in chancery. we
then Met with Dixon upon the same subject
and He questioned us upon the supjects we
would be questioned upon


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Letter to Daniel Duncan McArthur, 12 October 1891

Salt Lake City, U. T. . Prest. D. D. Mc Arthur, St. George. Dear Brother: Enclosed please find receipt for $50000 Mdse. Tithing in favor of Elder Richard Morris of St. George. Get a receipt for that amount on the debt due to him by the Washington Field Canal Co. and obtain from the company a certificate of Stock for $50000 in the name of J. D. T. McAllister. Hand Bro. McAllister the certificate, let him endorse it and hold it until he is further advised. Your Brother in the Gospel, W. Woodruff

Letter from James Sabine Jr., 12 October 1891

Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro Yours of Sept 22nd to hand and contents noted. I feel greatly honored that my name has been selected as worthey to performe a mission. I desire to respond to the calls made upon me by the priesthood of god at all times, and should have been pleased to have left for my field of labour at once, but haveing just recently lost my dear mother, I am desirous of performing some temple work that she wished done. It would be a great convenience to me if the time for my departure could be extended untill March 1st 1892. As I am also desirous of obtaining the genealogy of our family being the only son, I would like very much to have my mission changed to great Brition, If it would meet with your Approval. Your Bro in the gospel James Sabine Jnr George Romney, Bp 20th ward If no pressing need exists for him to go where called, I would grant his desire for change of field and for time to do his Temple work J. F. S.

Letter from Joseph Damron Jr., 12 October 1891

Prest. Wilford Woofruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Yours of the 9th Inst. has just been received. In reply will say I will endeavor to be prepared to leave San Francisco by the 12th of Nov. for a mission to the Samoa Islands. Will you please answer by return mail when and tell me the date you desire me to leave S. L. City and the date I am expected to be at the "Historians Office"

Letter from William Orme Lee, 12 October 1891

To The First Presidency, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dear Brethern Your welcome favor dated Sept 10th together with favor of same date from Bro Reynolds and check for $70000 also books, tracts, maps &c &c arrived here in company with Bros. Harding and Seegmiller on the 1st inst. causing our hearts to fill with gratitude towards our Heavenly Father, and you whom he has placed over us to direct our humble efforts. By reading the enclosed report of our Conference proceedings, which we would like published, if there are no objections. You will see that the brethren arrived here on the first day of our meetings, and their arrival added greatly to our joy and plea- sure caused by meeting the Elders and many of the Saints from various parts of this group. We have had a most enjoy- able time together and are now operating with renewed de- termination to strive continually to do our duty. You will see by our statistical report that there were 51 baptisms and 16 children blessed, during the last 6 months in com- parison with 17 baptisms and 6 blessings during the 6 months previous. Prospects for the future are getting brighter daily and seemingly all we lack is reapers with sickles, or in other words, men of God with a knowledge of the Gospel and the Samoan language to assist in gathering together the wheat, for the harvest is ripe, and the tares are plentiful. We are grateful for the books, tracts, school supplies etc. that you sent us, and have distributed them where we

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Emma $5 & $25, & Blah $5 35


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Oct 12, 1891