Day in the Life

Oct 25, 1891

Journal Entry

October 25, 1891 ~ Sunday

25 Sunday Met at 10 oclock Prayer by Bishop Dewey [FIGURES] G. Q. Cannon spoke 50 Minuts Rudger Clawson
spoke 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon prayer By Bishop C Jenson
Sacramet was Administerd And the Authorities of the
Church was then presented & Accepted. W. Woodruff
Then took the sptand & spoke 40 Minuts I made the following remarks
[FIGURES] I wish to make the following remarks upon the
principal of Revelation. Some had thought that
Revelation had sceased, But this is not the case The Lord
is with us & gives us Revelation. But I will say for
myself that I wish to Avoid saying Thus Saith the Lord
as far as I can when I give the will of the Lord to the people
In the Days of Joseph Smith it was "Thus saith the Lord
almost Daily untill the Revelations now embodied in
the Book of Doctrins & Covenants had Been given, Since that
day President Brigham Young John Taylor & myself have seldom
used the words (Thus saith ^the^ Lord) when giving the word of the Lord to
the people. In the 68 Sec of the Book of D & C we are informed that

that when men speak as they are moved upon by the
Holy Ghost it is the word of the Lord & Revelation," I have Received a
Revelation and a commandment From the Lord which I have
not revealed to any man which I shall reveal to this assembly
and the command of the Lord I shall give to this people which is this The
Lord has revealed to me that there are many in the Church wh feel
badly tried about the Manifesto [Official Declaration 1] and also about the Testimony of the
Presidency & Apostles before the Master in chancery the Lord has com-
manded me to put the following question to the Saints and
those who will give Attention to it shall have the Holy Ghost to be
with them to inspire them to Answer that question for themselves
and the Lord has promised that the Answer will be to all alike
The question is this, which is the wisest course for the latter
Day Saints to persue, to continue to attempt to practice plural
with the Laws of the Nation against it and the
opposition of 60000000 of people and at the cost of confiscation
and loss of all the Temples and the stoping of all the ordinances
therein both for the living & the Dead And the imprisinment
of the first of the First Presidency and Twelve and the leaders
or heads of family in the Church And the confiscation
of the personal property of the People (All of which of them-
selve would stop the CPractice Finished on Nov 5th.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2292 mentions
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1968 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Clawson, Rudger
12 Mar 1857 - 21 Jun 1943
57 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

I wish to make the following remarks upon the principal of Revelation. Some had thought that Revelation had sceased, But this is not the case The Lord is with us & gives us Revelation. But I will say for myself that I wish to Avoid saying Thus Saith the Lord as far as I can when I give the will of the Lord to the people In the Days of Joseph Smith it was "Thus saith the Lord almost Daily untill the Revelations now embodied in the Book of Doctrins & Covenants had Been given, Since that day President Brigham Young John Taylor & myself have seldom used the words (Thus saith ^the^ Lord) when giving the word of the Lord to the people. In the 68 Sec of the Book of D & C we are informed that
~ Wilford Woodruff
that when men speak as they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost it is the word of the Lord & Revelation," I have Received a Revelation and a commandment from the Lord which I have not revealed to any man which I shall reveal to this assembly and the command of the Lord I shall give to this people which is this The Lord has revealed to me that there are many in the Church wh feel badly tried about the Manifesto and also about the Testimony of the Presidency & Apostles before the Master in chancery the Lord has com- manded me to put the following question to the Saints and those who will give Attention to it shall have the Holy Ghost to be with them to inspire them to Answer that question for themselves and the Lord has promised that the Answer will be to all alike The question is this, which is the wisest course for the latter Day Saints to persue, to continue to attempt to practice plural Marriage with the Laws of the Nation against it and the opposition of 60000000 of People and at the cost of confiscation and loss of all the Temples and the stoping of all the ordinances therein both for the living & the Dead And the imprisinment of the First Presidency and Twelve and the leaders or heads of family in the Church And the confiscation of the personal property of the People (All of which of them- selve would stop the CPractice Finished on Nov 5th.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Oct 25, 1891