Day in the Life

Oct 14, 1891

Journal Entry

October 14, 1891 ~ Wednesday

14 I signed 41 Recommends I received 16 Letters

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Letter from William S. Gibbs, 14 October 1891

Recd 19 [Oct.] [1891] Harreldsville Ky 10-14-[18]91 Mr Pres My Dear Sir: Tracts & books in regard to "Spauld ing Story" recevid they clear up the matter until I do not see how they could be clouded again. Could you send me rules and regulations of your church? Also the Book of Mormon? I do not ask this for any ^other^ purpose but for a pure one

Letter from Edward J. Palmer, 14 October 1891

Cedar City . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Bro: Yours of the 9th inst came duely to hand, by which I am informed, that if no reasonable obstacle prevents, that I will be required to labour as a missionary in New Zealand. I realize this to be no small undertaking, but my mind has always been, if I were called, I would go, if possible. Now as the call is made, and you request my feelings, I take this opportunity to apprise you of my willingness to accept, notwithstanding I am without learning, and weak.

Letter from Thomas Braby, 14 October 1891

Mt Pleasant Oct 14th 1891 President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother; Yours of the 112th inst is received. When I was called last year my circumstances were such that I could not go, hence I asked for one years time. The reply was that I was excused for the time being and to report when I was ready. On the strenght of this I presume my Bishop and President of Quorum sent my name as being on hand this fall, but I had not so stated. The facts are that I am no better prepared

Letter from Nellie Pickett and Alice Pickett, 14 October 1891

To president Wilford Woodruff Dear sir and brother please pardon me for again intruding I went to the office to talk with brother A. M. Cannon but found he was out of town And as I did not kno when to find you disengaged, I take the liberty to write to you Our trouble is just now, we have to moove from here by the 20th and I have been trying all the week to borrow mony to move with, but have sadly failed So apeel to you as the last resorce God knoes how I hate to bother you, And have tried all in my power to avoid doniing so. I kno John will send us help as soon as he can

Letter from Nellie Pickett and Alice Pickett, 14 October 1891

[sideways text] 230 A. St. [end of sideways text]

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Draft to M Thatch M Stok 500

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Florane $3 Emma $5 Blah 5 13

Letter from Ward Eaton Pack Sr., 14 October 1891

Honolulu Prest W Woodruff, Dear Bro, You will perhaps remember that either in meeting, or in conversation with you, that I refered to the fact that a Native had leased one fourth (1/4) of an acre of land at Laie, to a chinaman for the term of twenty years, The Chin- aman built a store upon the said land while Bro King was here. The store was a detriment to us, but connected with this was a coffee house, which means, Coffe, Tea, a Grog shop, and its ac- companyments, this place became a general resort for evil on the sabath day, and its affects were very demoralizing. It was thought by us here, advisable to see if the nuisance could be removed. I began to serch out the title to this certain piece of land where this chinaman has his house, and found to my satisfaction that it belongs to the church, and not to the native who leased it. If we can get one half of the evidence before the court that I get from five or six differ[en]t natives we would have very little trouble in ousting the chinaman. I notified him he was on our land and he refused to vacate. I planted a suit against him in ejectment. The Att[ourne]y for the Chinaman is doing all he can to pospone the trial, thinking I believe he has a bad case. He would ^not^ consent to my producing oral proof of my authority to act, but insisted that I must produce written autho- rity. The court so ruled -and the case was continued to the January term of Court as you will see by the accompanying letter of Mr W. R. Castle our Att[ourne]y.


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Oct 14, 1891