Day in the Life

Oct 24, 1891

Journal Entry

October 24, 1891 ~ Saturday

24 I spent the day in the Gard at home at work
untill 3 oclok then took cars with G. Q. Cannon & Blanch
& rode to Brigham City to Attend a conference we arived
at 6 oclok & stoped with my Daughter Phebe A. Snow 16 m[iles]


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions
Snow, Phebe Amelia Woodruff
4 Mar 1842 - 15 Feb 1919
346 mentions
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
282 mentions


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I wish to make the following remarks upon the principal of Revelation. Some had thought that Revelation had sceased, But this is not the case The Lord is with us & gives us Revelation. But I will say for myself that I wish to Avoid saying Thus Saith the Lord as far as I can when I give the will of the Lord to the people In the Days of Joseph Smith it was "Thus saith the Lord almost Daily untill the Revelations now embodied in the Book of Doctrins & Covenants had Been given, Since that day President Brigham Young John Taylor & myself have seldom used the words (Thus saith ^the^ Lord) when giving the word of the Lord to the people. In the 68 Sec of the Book of D & C we are informed that
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from William Spence, 24 October 1891
Deming, N. M. . Wilford Woodruff, Esq. President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: I take opportunity to address you the follow- ing proposition: I have been acting as Custom Broker, here in Deming for the past two years and doing the most of the Brokerage for the Mormon Colonists, moving into Mexico; and as there seems to be considerable confusion and mis-understanding with the Colonists as to whom to apply to at this point of entry into Mexico, for information; so Ithe take pleasure in making this proposition, to make all of the necess- ary papers for your People going into Mexico, and to give them all n the information they need to introduce their their "outfits", into the Republic of Mexico, and thus relieveing them of many difficulti- ies they now have to encounter. The papers are very complicated and it is difficult to classify goods for introduction into Mexico, on account of the many complica- tions found in the Customs Laws of that Country. I have had severlal years experience in this business, and will guarantee to give en- tire satisfaction, if your people will appoint me as their agent at this place, and I can assure you that it will be much cheaper in
Letter from Peter Loutensock, 24 October 1891
Eureka President W. Woodruff! My dear Brother! In answer to your in- quiry of Ockt. 21st as to my circumstances, i will state: I returned from a mission to the North western States, (Minnesota) on August 4th 1884. I have 2 families with 8 Children the oldest 13 years old, been the last 4 years on the Underground, and my plural wife & Children the same. This had the


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Oct 24, 1891