Day in the Life

Oct 28, 1891

Journal Entry

October 28, 1891 ~ Wednesday

Oct 278, 1891
I signed 40 Recommends I received 18 Letters we
met with the Board of the Bank A hand pointing to the right I got a stream
of water of about 6 gallons a minute in my last Well
2 inch pipe feet in the ground & the plunge rod
feet below the pipe

Keys crossed I attended The Jewish Charity Ball in the Theater


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Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Business/Financial - Business Receipt, 29 October 1891

Salt Lake City, U. T. Received of Wilford Woodruff $147.50 cts in full of all Demand for driving a well at his New House Fred Best & Bro

Letter from James E. Fisher, 28 October 1891

Meadow Creek President Woodruff. Dear Brother If my laber is needed in the ministry of the gospel I will be on hand at the time a pointed From your Brother in the gospel James E Fisher PS I would of answered before but was not home when the letter came Ira N Hinckley Pres N Hin. Prest of Stake O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Thomas Poulton, 28 October 1891

President Willford Woodruff Dear Brothr I receved your Lettr Notifying me that my name had been mentioned for a mission, received, and in answer, will say, that my health is very Poor in fact, it is imposable for me to waklk any distance without becomeing fatigeued. the Doctor says that my kidneys are afected. I am sory that this is the case, and should my health become bettr at any time will send you word as I desire to do my duty. hopeing this will meet your aproval I am ever your Brothr in the Gospell Thomas Poulton John L Smith Bp. Release him from the call J. F. S.

Letter from Jesse W. Crosby, 28 October 1891

Moapa Lincoln co nevada Presidint Willford Woodruff Dear Bro yours of Oct 22 1891 came to hand yesterday per George Renolds sect. will say the young man I wrote about in mine of recent date is with me & has ben since he & his mother & sister came to the country 10 or 12 years ago I have often spoken to him about missionary work & he has always riplyed he was welling to do whatever he is called to do he is now 22 years of age & can speek for himself his name is Alvin Carl Crosby & his address as above. in relation to Titheing matters a train of sircumstances beyond my controll has redusd me financially to a tight place & I ask you to send me a trustee in trust check on our little office at overton or on St george T O office for one hun- dred dollars either as a present or as a loan the reasons for my doing so is fully explained in my former letter of recent date if y[ou] want to you can give it to me for the five (5) years servis I put in in the St George Temple for which I never received one cent while maney of my co labourers received various sums some as high as 1,5000 a year I never made one charge neither do I now but I am in want & in debt have paid tithing since oct 12 1840 & never drawed a cent out our produce here costs nearly all to hall it to St George any way you can send me more if you please am certain it will do me more good than it will do the US I am now 71 years of age & have always worked hard till now I can do it no more may be you have some light labour I can do

Letter from Jacob Busk Wissing, 28 October 1891

Salt Lake City, Utah. President Wilford Woodruff. High esteemed and Dear Brother! It is with a sorrowful Heart that i proceed to answer your calling of me to perform a Mission to my native Land; I have always felt and at present do feel, that if the "Servant of God" should see fit to call upon me to perform any kind of a Mission i would at once be raeady to go and perform same and allthough i claim that there is no man on Earth that love his Family more than i do, nor any Family that live more happily together than we do, i am willing to sacrifice that (an the sacrifice wil be great) to obey a call from you as a "Servant of God," to go and perform a Mission. Here Brother Woodruff is my circumstances. I own a House and Lot in the 15th Ward for which I about 6 months ago was offered

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Taxes Tar. County & City 1529 98


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Oct 28, 1891