Day in the Life

Nov 2, 1891

Journal Entry

November 02, 1891 ~ Monday

2 In company with G Q. Cannon & J F Smith I visited
the Agricultural Colledge which is one of the finest
institution in the country we Met in Conference
at 10:30 the statistics of the stake was read, there
were 15549 souls in the Stake G. Q. Cannon spoke
50 Minuts J F Smith 20 M[inutes], W W 10 Minuts

We took cars at 1:30 & rode to Ogden & Salt Lak 100 M[iles]


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2287 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4145 mentions


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November 5, 1891 ~ Thursday 5 Finished from Oct 25 (Or After doing and suffering what we have through our adhereance to this principelle to scease the Practice and submit to the law and through doing so have the Prophets Apostls and Fathers at home so they can instruct the People and attend to the Duties of the Church, Also leave the Temples in the hands of the Saints of the Saints so they can attend to the ordinances of the Gospel both for the living & the Dead? Now the inspiration of the Lord will reveal to any person which course wisdom would dictate us to persue And the Latter day Saints throughout Israel should understand that the first Presidency of the Church And the Twelve Apostles are ledof and guided by the inspiration of the Lord And the Lord will not permit me nor any other man to lead the People Asstray)
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Adelbert Twitchell, 2 November 1891

Brother Woodruff Dear Sir In answer to your letter which I received Oct 30 it was directed to Panguitch insted of Escalante which made the delay As far as my circumstances ar consurned with the aid of God I think I can go & will try to be there at the apointed time Yours Respectfully Adelbert Twitchell This is to crcertify that Adebert Twitchell is a faithfull member of the Escalante ward in good Standing and sush we recomend him to fill his Mission Andrew P. Schow Bishop O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Samuel Wittwer, 2 November 1891

Santa Clara President Woodruff Dear Brother In Answer to your letter in regardes going on a mission I am rather short of means for going also quite a lorge famile and part of them in Bunkervill Navada. I came home from a Mission from the United States in december 1886, I am willing to go or to stay just as you say. Should you except of my cercumstances as a Missionary I will try to be ready by next May. Your Brother. Samuel Wittwer. John G. Hafen Bp. I would excuse bro. Wittwer. J. F. S.

Discourse 1891-11-02

Pres Woodruff said this government was founded on two national parties, the Republicans & Democrats. He endorsed the remarks of Pres Smith. He advised the Saints not to quarrel or have strife one with another, but should choose either party as it suited their belief, but not to allow it to take them from their faith in the Gospel. He referred to his remarks made at the Priesthood meeting last night relative to the man- ner of settling difficulties. He advised all to make settlement of their difficulties & troubles among themselves & not carry them before the Bishop or High Council. He made reference to the Priesthood & Apostleship held by the Prophet Joseph Smith He spoke of the completing of the Salt Lake Temple & desired the Saints of this stake to unite & assist with their means to that end. The meeting was then adjourned. Singing.

Letter from Eric Petersson Lindquist, 2 November 1891

Salt Lake City Presedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother. Replying to your letter of Oct. 25th [18]91 in regard to me going on a Mission to Scandinavia will say: In as much as the Lord through his servants has seen fit to call me to this work, and I understand that the Lord will not call any one unless he are willing and able to protect and provide for him, I will accept to call and can get readey on the first named date Nov. 28th. I am now over 63 years, and my wife is 6 months older, but still she offers to go out washing to suport hir self while I am gone and Hoping that our Father in Haven will protect both of us and bless us, and help us to perform our different Mission and at last be saved in his Kingdom I remain your Brother in the Gospel of Christ E. P. Lindquist. The above statement is correct he is willing to go, and his wife is just as willing that he should go, and she is willing to support herself by the labor of her hands Elias Morris, Bishop I think bro. L. is too old to take a mission. How has he been called? Is he needed, & able? J. F. S.

Letter from Americus Vespucius Greer, 2 November 1891

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid dentiat Bill for Blanch 22 50


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Nov 2, 1891